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我们为什么要搞新民主主义革命?Why do we want to the new-democratic revolution?

第三部分对恽代英的新民主主义革命理论进行评价。The third part carries on the appraisal of Yun Daiying's New Democratic Revolution theory.

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新民主主义革命把一个半封建半殖民地的旧中国变成了一个独立自主的新中国。New-democratic revolution into a semifeudal and semicolonial old China into an independent new China.

特别是从新民主主义革命转变到社会主义革命。We were particularly successful during the period of transition from new-democratic revolution to socialist revolution.

辛亥革命、新民主主义革命和新和平革命是20世纪中国的三场伟大革命。Xinhai Revolution, New Democratic Revolution and new peace revolution were three great revolutions of the 20th century in China.

在这种形势下面,全党同志必须紧紧地掌握党的总路线,这就是新民主主义革命的路线。In this situation, all comrades must firmly grasp the general line of the Party, that is, the line of the new-democratic revolution.

中共领导的农业互助合作运动始于新民主主义革命时期。The agricultural mutual aid and cooperation movement led by the Chinese Communist Party started in New Democratic Revolutionary Period.

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我国现代基层调控体系,经过了中华民国和新民主主义革命两个时期。The Chinese modern grass-roots unit level control system exercised through two periods, the public of China and New-democratic revolution.

现实中的红色文化是一种政治现象,是反映和服务于中国新民主主义革命的政治文化。The Red Culture is actually a political phenomenon, and a political culture that reflects and serves the New Democratic Revolution in China.

在新民主主义革命时期,学校广大师生高举“四。二一”火炬,成为重庆市爱国学生运动的一面旗帜。In the new-democratic revolution, the school teachers and students hold high the "4. 21" torch into the patriotic student movement in Chongqing banner.

统一战线是新民主主义革命时期克敌制胜的法宝之一,也是社会主义建设时期重要的推动力。The united front is one of the most significant force to help defeat our enemies and gain victories in the period of China's New-democratic Revolution.

历史中的红色文化是一种政治现象,是反映和服务于中国新民主主义革命实践的政治文化。In the history, Red Culture was a political phenomenon, and serviced and reflected the new democratic revolution in China's political and cultural practice.

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新民主主义革命是中国革命的重要阶段,其指导思想新民主主义思想的形成经过了一个曲折的过程。The New-democratic revolution is an important stage of the whole Chinese revolution. The form of New-democratic thought had gone through a tortuous process.

我们进行了二十八年的新民主主义革命,推翻封建主义的反动统治和封建土地所有制,是成功的,彻底的。Through 28 years of new-democratic revolution we succeeded in overthrowing once for all the reactionary feudal regime and the feudal system of landownership.

第一件大事,我们党紧紧依靠人民完成了新民主主义革命,实现了民族独立、人民解放。The first is that our Party, firmly relying on the people, completed the new-democratic revolution, winning national independence and liberation of the people.

要使宣传员成为文化教育的得力干部,使宣传队成为新民主主义革命的先锋军。Members of the teams should become competent cadres in cultural and educational work, and the teams should become the vanguard of the new-democratic revolution.

这一制度及其管理经验对新民主主义革命政权的建设和中华人民共和国的地方制度建设产生了重要和深远的影响。This system and its experiences had profound and lasting impacts on the construction of the new republic revolutionary power and the local governments of the PRC.

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专员制度及其管理经验对新民主主义革命政权的建设和中华人民共和国的地方政府制度建设产生了重要而深远的影响。This system and its experiences had profound and lasting impacts on the constructions of the new republic revolutionary power and the local governments of the PRC.

不论是在新民主主义革命时期,还是在社会主义建设时期,马克思主义民族理论都是解决中国民族问题的行动指南。No matter in the Chinese revolution period or in the period of socialist construction, Marxist ethnic theory is always the guide to settle the ethnic issues in China.

这三大历史性转折,使当代中国实现了整体转型,使当代中国经历了继新民主主义革命以后的第二次革命。The three transitions, while fulfilling China's complete transformation, have put the contemporary China through a second revolution after the New Democracy Revolution.