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请来吃顿家常便饭。Come along and take potluck.

在我的国家里政变也是家常便饭。We've had a lot of coups in my country too.

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被警察拦住问话是家常便饭。Being stopped by militsiya was a regular occurrence.

然而,死亡威胁对安娜而言是家常便饭。Yet Miss Politkovskaya was often threatened with death.

当然了,教导孩子在任何家庭中都是家常便饭了。Of course disciplining our children is a given in any home.

彼得,你应该告诉他们这只是一顿家常便饭。Peter, you should have told them it’s only a little supper.

我们重写旧的系统,因此混乱是家常便饭。We have the old system during rewrite, so chaos is constant.

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现在一周双赛是家常便饭。Nowadays you have a game Saturday, Tuesday, Saturday, Tuesday.

作为一般的习惯,赴家常便饭席的每一个人都会带一些食物来。As a general rule, everybody contributes some food to a potluck.

在印度,孟买袭击以后的互相指责成了家常便饭。In India, recriminations after the Mumbai attacks have been rife.

一夜成名成了现代社会的家常便饭。Over-night fame has become a common phenomenon in our modern society.

摆在饭桌上,则是家常便饭中的普通菜。Put on the table, it is a common practice in the ordinary vegetables.

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过去,地震对于洛杉矶来说是家常便饭,将来也是这样。Earthquakes have always been part of Los Angeles' past — and its future.

待在这些零件附近,大腿烫得像焦了一般是家常便饭。So having scorched thighs is becoming commonplace amongst the techie set.

在雅典街头,游行示威已成为家常便饭。In the streets of Athens, demonstrations have become everyday occurrences.

有些频带壅塞的程度,已使得长时间等待和干扰成为家常便饭。Some bands are so overloaded that long waits and interference are the norm.

赛前质询已经像赛后药检一样是家常便饭了。The pre-race inquiries have become as routine as the postrace drug screens.

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它不会咬我,不过我每次跟它玩完,手上留下一两个齿印可是家常便饭。He doesn't bite me but when we play, I get one or two tooth mark on my hand.

当然,对于美国政府而言,僵局和令人难以直面的经济状况已是家常便饭。Washington, of course, is no stranger to gridlock and head-in-the-sand economics.

这对于免月费游戏而言可谓是家常便饭了,不过许多人希望能见到新的游戏内容。This is usually the norm for free-to-play games, but many wanted some new content.