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昨天他买了两把刷子。He buy two brush yesterday.

他用刷子轻拍他的腿。He dabs his leg with a brush.

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我需要买一个新的刷马桶的刷子。I need to buy a toilet brush.

刷子,澡堂碗,蜡烛。Brushes, Hammam Bowls, Candles.

用刷子把你的鞋子擦亮。Polish your shoes with a brush.

用刷子就可以刷去硬泥。A brush can remove hardened mud.

把油漆罐和刷子递上来。Pass up the paint pot and brush.

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用刷子涂敷油漆到小的区域。Brush apply paint to small areas.

这把刷子可以用作漆刷吗?。Can this brush go for a paintbrush?

我用这把刷子刷你的后背。I'll rub your back with this brush.

恩泰兄真有两把刷子!En Tai Brother real has tow brushes!

他们飞块地用糨糊刷子刷糨糊。They plied their paste brushes madly.

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他正在用刷子刷鞋。He is cleaning his shoes with a brush.

即使这种猪的猪毛很硬,但可以做刷子。Even the bristles were used for brushes!

油漆刷子烫葑灯等等。Paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, etcetera.

拿起工具袋和刷子去干活。And got with our bags and our brushes to work.

我想把我的门漆一下,我能用一下你的刷子吗?I want to paint my door, can I use your brush?

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汤姆巧妙地把刷子刷来刷去。Tom swept his brush artistically back and forth.

常用的工具包括铲子、小刀以及刷子。Common tools include the trowel, penknife and brush.

他用刷子大片大片地刷墙。He painted the wall with broad strokes of the brush.