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鱼儿们在红树根周围游来游去。Fish swim around the mangrove roots.

红树叶,黄树叶,橙树叶和棕树叶。Red leaves, yellow leaves, orange and brown.

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路边的红树叶子还没红,所以我们都没注意。Roadside not red mangrove leaves, we no attention.

耶!红树叶,黄树叶,橙树叶和棕树叶。Yeah. Red leaves, yellow leaves, orange and brown.

阶下青苔与红树,雨中寥落月中愁。Order under the moss and mangrove, Sparse rain in mid-depression.

黄鸡紫蟹堪携酒,红树青山好放船。Yellow purple crab can bring wine, mangrove good castle on a vessel.

目的研究半红树植物海芒果叶中的有机酸类成分。OBJECTIVE To study the organic acids in the leaf of Cerbera manghas L.

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红树林盐土是红树植被下的一类特殊土壤。Mangrove solonchak is a special type of soil under mangrove vegetation.

村民们住在三棵巨大的像红树一样的大树底部。They live inside the bases of three of the enormous mangrove-like trees.

这座岛直径60英尺,表面覆盖沙土,种植了红树和其他植物。The island is about 60 feet in diameter, covered in sand, plants and mangrove trees.

那里到处都是象黑豹那样的珍奇动物,以及类似红树的奇异的植物。It was filled with exotic animals like panthers and exotic plants like mangrove trees.

涉及一种在播种前用于红树植物的种子袋及其播种方法。The present invention relates to mangrove plant seed bag for seeding and its seeding method.

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对红树植物木榄叶的基本化学成分作了较全面的分析。Sample of leaves of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza was analyzed for its elementary chemical composition.

该地区的红树植物种类计有8科、12属、12种,以红树科植物占优势。In this district, the mangrove plants consist of 12 species belonging to 12 genera in 8 families.

由于大型红树植物的影响,样品Q0411-5的反硝化速率比同在岛内的Q0411-3高出1倍。Because of the effect of macrophyte, the denitrification rate of Q0411-5 is twice that of Q0411-3.

最年幼的公主在她的花园里种上红色,靠近这些花,又种了一棵红树。The youngest princess planted red flowers in the garden, and she planted a red tree near the flowers.

在除命名为砾、砂、粉砂和粘土之外的其它沉积物类型上,都已发现有红树植物生长分布。Mangrove has been found growing on the flats of all sediment types except gravel, sand, silt and clay.

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多数真红树植物气孔在表皮下陷,发生于保卫细胞形成之后。Most of the true mangrove plants have sunken stomata, which occurred after the formation of guard cells.

深圳红树西岸工程地下室顶板空中花园设计为种植及蓄水屋面。The top plate of basement of Shenzhen West Red-tree Project was designed as a planted and impounded roof.

照片在2月23日拍摄于弗吉尼亚的仙纳度国家公园,一棵棵红树像边框一样分布在鹿林彗星周围。Comet Lulin is framed by red-lit trees in Virginia's Shenandoah National Park in a picture taken February 23.