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她打扮得花枝招展。She was colourfully dressed.

她总是打扮得花枝招展。She is always colourfully dressed.

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她打扮得花枝招展,却无处可去。She is well dressed up but nowhere to go.

美并不一定是要花枝招展。It does not have to be pretty to be beautiful.

她甚至出外购物,也打扮得花枝招展。She dresses up fit to kill even to go out shopping.

她喜欢打扮得花枝招展的去参加舞会。She likes get gussied up and goes to a dancing patty.

在印度的这场时装表演会上狗儿们可打扮得花枝招展哪。Even dogs could be peacocks at this fashion show in India.

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她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。She dolled herself up as though she was a girl of eighteen.

她不爱打扮,这又使她在花枝招展中,格外单薄。She doesn't love dressing up, this makes her in beautiful, very thin.

我每天穿着朴素的衣服,站在花枝招展的她们中间。I am wearing simple dress everyday, stand in be gorgeously dressed among them.

无论是去学校还是参加晚会,就连去糖烟酒店买糖果也要打扮得花枝招展的。They overdress to go to school, parties or even to the liquor store to buy candy.

岚么四姐妹被刘大美打扮的花枝招展,准时送到了小岛的家。Arashi yao four sisters were Liu Damei the peacocks, sent to the islands home on time.

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妇女用纽扣、蝴蝶结和花边打扮得花枝招展,被认为是有邪念的举止。Women were thought to be more provocative of sinful deliberation if gussied up in snap, bows and frills.

“在她之前,男人打扮的花枝招展,”她说,但是伊丽莎白特别喜欢珍珠宝石。“Before her, it was the men who were the peacocks,” she says, but Elizabeth loved jewels, pearls in particular.

当我在城里花枝招展打扮起来的时候,通常是在某个特殊的地区,在那里我最有信心,因为那儿的人们的态度使所然。When I dress up in town, it is usually in a particular area where I feel the most confident because of people's attitudes there.

平壤是个窗口城市,为了庆祝和访问媒体打扮地花枝招展,但是除了几条主要的街道,仍然肮脏破败。Pyongyang is the show city, spruced up for the celebrations and visiting media, yet it remains dingy away from a few main streets.

这种现象在蜻蜓种群的尤为明显,有一种叫做“andromorphs”的雌性蜻蜓,长得比美貌少女更花枝招展。The phenomenon is particularly evident in damselflies, where certain females, called andromorphs, are often more dude than damsel.

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周一,身着传统服饰的学生们,听着这首红歌,花枝招展地在平壤劳动党硕大无比的纪念碑前载歌载舞。On Monday, students in traditional dress swayed and danced to the song at plaza in front of the city's massive monument to the Workers' Party.

他说,“我才不管她们究竟要做什么,但是在花园里,她们打扮得花枝招展肯定是有其他目的的”。“I don’t care what the hell they do, ” he said. “But inside the garden they get all dressed up and do their makeup and they have other intentions.”

选择一个能为角色扮演适当的角色可能是最初的一步,取得了打一个打扮得花枝招展角色扮演展示,得到安慰。Choosing the persona appropriate for someone to cosplay could be the initial step to acquire dolled up to hit a cosplay demonstrate, to get reassured.