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这枚宇宙火箭运载了两颗卫星。This space rocket carries two satellites.

远期日运载能力为100万人次。The long- term day carries the ability as 100.

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没有足够的救生艇运载所有乘客。As there were not enough life-boats for everybody.

这枚宇宙火箭运载了两颗卫星。The space rocket carries a satellite as a payload.

他被带到一个小小的湖泊里,整天运载着一堆堆腥臭的死鱼。Every day he brought in loads of dead, smelly fish.

这艘运载货物的船由一摈除舰护航。Thellos merchant shellop was convoyed by a destroyer.

2009年各航空公司共运载了20多亿人次的旅客。In 2009 airlines carried more than 2 billion passengers.

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对运载着放射性废料的卡车的称重是个必要的过程。Weighting of radwaste machines is a necessary procedure.

运载车功率大、越野性能好。The power is large and cross-country performance is good.

新华社没有报导罐车上运载的是何种物质。Xinhua did not say what substance the tanker was carrying.

矿砂和煤已被用驳船沿俄亥俄河运载到密西西比河。Ore and coal had been barged down the Ohio to the Mississippi.

俄罗斯方面建造了140吨重的“韩国航天运载器一号”火箭的第一级。The Russian agency built the first stage of the 140-ton KSLV-I.

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市内的地下铁天天运载数十万乘客。The city subway carry hundreds of thousands of passenger a day.

无可奈何地,我们是全部一地球的卡片运载的公民。Willy-nilly, we are all card-carrying citizens of the One Earth.

历史是运载着活生生的回忆,驶向未来的船。――斯蒂芬·斯彭德。History is the ship carrying memories to the future. —S. Spender.

恒星风所运载出的质量愈来愈少,使其速度愈来愈快。The stellar wind carries ever less mass at ever increasing speed.

火焰延伸到运载的化学品时,全船都爆炸了。When the fire reached the cargo of chemicals the whole ship went up.

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这是一个大雕!并在其规模而言,显然是把儿童运载能力。And at that size, it was apparently capable of carrying off children.

运载尸体的容器必须采用蒸汽清洁和消毒。Can used to haul the carcasses should be steam-cleaned and sterilized.

这颗卫星还将运载一些学生设计的实验。But the craft will also carry a number of student-designed experiments.