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没有水上乐园?No water park?

我们可是水上人家呀!We are water people.

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我去水上乐园。I went to a water park.

还有些学员划船在水上训练。Some cadets went boating.

我的船在水上漂浮。Boats sof mine a-floating.

但它还没有在水上行走的本事。But it cannot walk on water.

船在水上急驶。The boat sped over the water.

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所有的豪猪都可以浮在水上。All porcupines float in water.

鸭子是一种水上禽鸟。Ducks are a type of water fowl.

那就是,把爱写在水上。That is to write love on water.

他们正在水上漂着。They are floating on the water.

阳光在水上荡漾。The sunlight plays on the water.

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MC·埃舍尔设计的水上乐园A Water Park Designed by MC Escher

搭上水上巴士,饱览城市风光Hop On a Water Taxi, Tour the City

这样,你想在水上行走,对吗?So, you want to walk on water, eh?

让我们明天去水上世界。Lets go to the Water City tomorrow.

水上漂的是什么东西?What is that floating on the water?

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我们的水上运动团队都很厉害。Our water sports teams are all good.

然后我们将去洱海,乘船在水上航行。We'll take boats sailing on the water.

你也可以打赤膊去水上乐园。You can wear NO shirt to a water park.