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那阿拉姆会是新的领导人么?So is Alam the new leader?

是的。-我是那卖“阿拉米香水”的。Yes. -I was the Aramis guy.

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“你的父亲?”阿拉维斯说。"Your father?" said Aravis.

高呼着“铭记阿拉莫!”Shouting “Remember the Alamo!

靠拢来吧,我的女儿阿拉维斯,瞧!Draw near, Aravis my daughter.

“先生,这一次吗?”阿拉维斯说道。"This time, sir?" said Aravis.

“舟”实际上是一个阿拉瓦词。Canoe is actually an Arawak word.

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今天由你来处理事务,阿拉冈。You manage affairs today, Algrim.

我的兄弟妄想当阿拉刚。My brother is an Aragorn-wanna-be.

14再见,阿拉巴马!我爱你笃深。Alabama, goodbye! I love thee well!

阿迪马和阿拉米特都是幸运儿。Adema and Alamit are the lucky ones.

凯莉梦珀家在阿拉巴马州郊区。Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama.

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和阿拉米斯比起来,我长得太丑了!Compared with Aramis, I looks so down!

连阿拉莫也不像往常那样气定神闲。Even Álamo wasn't his usual calm self.

时隔8年阿拉又在同一个城市相遇。We are in same city now, after 8 years.

“什么?”阿拉维斯说道,“回去作奴隶吗?”"What?" said Aravis. "Back to slavery! "

这位出生于阿拉巴马的前任首席运营官是个什么样的人?What is the Alabama-born former COO like?

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片名阿拉蕾。剧场版。你好!奇异岛。Dr. Slump Arale-chan Hello! Strange Island.

现在我们必须回过来说说阿拉维斯和马儿们了。WE must now return to Aravis and the Horses.

祂是阿拉法,是俄梅戛,祂是万有主宰。He is Alpha and Omega, He is the Lord of all.