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它像在电影摄制建身房。It's like being at filmmaking gym.

这小说不适于摄制成电影。The fiction story won't film well.

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这部影片是早在一九二九年就摄制的。The film was made way back in1929.

专业旅运随摄制队前往越南拍摄,访寻美食。Travel Expert went to Vietnam with i-Cable's crew.

它还摄制音乐片,即以音乐为主的影片。It produces musicals too, that is, films with music.

我们在这座名为拉维吉那的迷人小镇完成摄制。We ended up in this amazing little town called, La Vigina.

首先先开动摄像机摄制各部门开始拍摄一场戏。At first they start rolling the camera, they start filming.

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这是解放以来摄制的最优秀的影片之一。This belongs among the best films produced since liberation.

如果你的视频是为某个活动摄制,它可能并不适合在网络上传播。If your video was made for an event, it might not fly online.

有一个荷兰来的摄制队正在那儿拍纪录片。A film crew was there from the Netherlands to shoot a documentary.

科学家们用望远镜照相机摄制天空星球图。The scientists photomapped the skies by using a telescopic camera.

这家广播电视台是在随行摄制白宫的“一日生活”节目。The network was filming a day-in-the-life program at the White House.

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最早摄制的两部影片即是对她的黑白肖像的进一步研究。Her first two films are an extended study of her black and white portraits.

内置的立体声麦克风和扩音器,能帮你在摄制影像的时候,耳听八方。There’s a built-in stereo microphone for use with your video, plus a mike jack.

科学家们在一个充满人造烟雾的风洞里摄制下枫树翅果随风飘动的情形。Scientists filmed maple seeds as they wafted through a smoke-filled wind tunnel.

赵局长说,除此外,自2006年10月以来,中国还开办了5,473个动画片摄制室。And 5,473 animation studios had been founded in China by October 2006, said Zhao.

这里大部份的相都是由网主精心摄制,保证独家发行!Most photos here were intentionally taken by webmaster and are published here only!

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到后期,只有记者、电影摄制者和传记作家能稍微容易地找到他。In time he became a little more accessible to journalists and filmmakers and biographers.

负责摄制和技术方面主要工作的佩尼亚菲耶尔说,“他是一位诗人。”“He’s the poet,” said Peñafiel, who handled much of the camerawork and technical aspects.

她运用自身的影响力,找来了好剧本和一流的摄制班子。She uses the force of oneself, looked for good play and team of first-rate produce a film.