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蔚蓝的天空铺展着一片片的白云。Fleecy clouds spread over the blue sky.

就把我的梦铺展在你的脚下。I have spread my dreams under your feet.

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苏珊仿佛看见,新的生活就在眼前铺展开来。Susan can see, new life is in sight unfolding.

我的花季是在这里铺展开的。My colored season is spreads out all over in here.

抑制细胞迁移、铺展和局部粘附。Inhibit cell migration, spread out and adhesiveness.

丛林铺展在他的脚下,象一片绿丝绒那么毛茸茸的。The jungle spread beneath him in a green velvet nap.

拉伸使成骨细胞的粘附力和铺展面积增加。The stretching increased cells adhesive forces and spreading areas.

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荒野绵延万里的向东面和东南面铺展开去。Miles upon miles to the east and southeast the desert unrolled itself.

只有这种美、这种无限,只有铺展开的宽广大地。There was only this beauty, this immensity, only the spreading, widening earth.

自顶向下的管理支持不应该与铺展过程相混淆。The top-down management support should not be confused with the rollout approach.

加载时间对细胞的粘附力和铺展面积的影响不明显。Loading time had no significant effect on cells adhesive forces and spreading areas.

毁损断裂的圆柱和残缺不全的雕像垫座投下的长长阴影,铺展在这片废墟上。The long shadows of broken column and vague pedestal leaned across the field of ruin.

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药液的表面张力与靶标的临界表面张力愈接近,药液在靶标上容易润湿铺展。Dilution is easier wetting and spreading on target with its ST nearer to CST of target.

我只是不停歇地阅读,铺展充满梦幻的遐想,在这些似曾相识的奇特天地引缰徐行。I just read and steered my daydreaming self through these strangely kindred atmospheres.

研究了银基钎料中杂质元素铋对钎料的铺展性能和接头强度的影响。The influence of bismuth in silver filler metals on spreadability and joint strength are studied.

田野的柿子树下,有一块金黄色的地毯铺展着,迎接人们的到来。Thee persimmon tree of the field, there is a golden carpet spread out, to meet the arrival of the people.

金砖四国的道路已经像我们预言的那样充分的铺展开来了,经济危机又使得它更加明显。The Bric path is unfolding broadly as we predicted and the crisis has made it more, not less, likely to happen.

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它似乎摄取了那鲜活的时间,铺展开来来往往买卖的人们,也呈现出这个国家乡村戏剧性的一幕。It is alive with different people buying and selling, and at once reveals the social drama of such a country market.

当他于1977年开始三部曲的初创时,他一定没有想到,在22年之后,这个故事还可以铺展开来。Little did he gue when he began his original trilogy in 1977, that 22 years later, the story would still be unfolding.

当他于1977年开始三部曲的初创时,他一定没有想到,在22年之后,这个故事还可以铺展开来。Little did he guess when he began his original trilogy in 1977, that 22 years later, the story would still be unfolding.