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低亮度的照明会Low lighting makes the room cozier.

它比正常亮度增加了90倍之多。It grew 90 times brighter than normal.

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只要一个高亮度的LED灯就够了。A single high brightness LED is enough.

调整触控式显示幕的亮度。Adjusts the contrast of the touch screen.

超高亮度,体积小,更简约。High bright-ness, small volume, and simper.

亮度极大后为上升减速运动。After the maximum brightness it decelerated.

每个像素都有各自的颜色和亮度。Each pixel is assigned a color and intensity.

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心大星的亮度在天空中位于第15位。Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky.

☆纯三基色灯管,显色好,亮度佳。Junzo color tubes, color, and brightness good.

介绍了一种新颖的亮度测量装置。A new measure system for luminance is introduced.

使用51-1026能使闪光亮度达到最高点。Use of 51-1026 gives maximum brightness of glitter.

采纳应用1W大功率长寿命、非常好亮度白色LED灯泡。With 1W long life, high brightness white LED Bulbs.

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在不开闪光灯的情况下,它也能捕捉低亮度的瞬间镜头。It can take sharp low-light shots without the flash.

亮度、比度、级和其他艰巨的任务。Brightness, Contrast, Levels and other hellish tasks.

采用0.5W大功率长寿命、超高亮度白色LED灯泡。With 0.5W long life, high brightness white LED Bulbs.

采用1.5W大功率长寿命、超高亮度白色LED灯泡。With 1.5W long life, high brightness white LED Bulbs.

光效高、显色性好、亮度高。High luminous efficiency, good color, high brightness.

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而且比起N100的8.5流明的亮度,也已经有了长足的进步。It's also better than the 8.5 lumens of the N100 bulb.

太阳亮度以11年为周期波动。The sun's brightness fluctuates over an 11-year cycle.

你可以用亮度-对比度来让颜色更犀利。You can use Brightness Contrast to make colours sharp.