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这样的人对你大有襄助。Such people can help you a lot.

能襄助移一下冰箱吗?Would you help me remove the refrigerator?

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通过制定计划或展闭会议来襄助事走上正路。Help things along by having a plan or a meeting.

木星和土星将联手襄助为未来的生奠定坚实的底子。Jupiter and Saturn will work to help you set up a firm foundation for your future.

中情局在伊战伊始曾得到两名驻在巴格达的德国间谍襄助。The CIA was helped by two German spies in Baghdad during the early days of the Iraq war.

由于从来没打过篮球,Ranadive聘请了一队专业人士襄助自己。Because Ranadivé had never played basketball, he recruited a series of experts to help him.

看着别人受苦是令人苦楚的,何况题目又如此杂乱,我们根基不知道如何去襄助他人。It's hard to look at suffering if the situine is so complex that we don't know how to help.

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愿安拉襄助我们,让我们能考自己的意志去成功管理好时间,并从中受益,阿敏!May God help us succeed in using our free will to manage our time and put our time to good us!

你来是由于必要我的襄助,去拯济一位特别很是悲伤的少女?Haudio-videoe you come since you need my help to saudio-videoe one distressing din the morningsel?

有没有可能,哈佛的人们不妨将他们的智慧,用来襄助那些乃至一贯没有听到过“哈佛”这个名字的人?Can Harvard dedicgot its intellect to improving the lives of people who will never even hear its ninome?

在这个发展过程中,学术界朋友和私营机构均积极襄助,实在令人欣慰。I am delighted to see that academia and the private sector are taking initiatives to help in the process.

荣重回华的工作冈位,在一襄助下随机应变,众人只觉眼前的华有别于从前。Honor the Vatican a return to China in a work under random strain, taking all of China's only from once before.

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当有个人或工作相关之困扰影响你能力之展现时,应寻求专业之襄助。Seek professional assistance when a personal or work related problem is interfering with your ability to perform.

这种静态的、模糊的、非专用性系统使得意欲襄助安全保护的民众产生了不确定性或冷漠情绪。This static, ambiguous and nonspecific system creates uncertainty or indifference among the population that it is meant to help protect.

骑著青狮的文殊菩萨,素以「智慧第一」著称,襄助佛祖教化众生。Seated astride an azure lion, the Bodhisattva Manjusri is celebrated for his wisdom and assists the Buddha in preaching to all sentient beings.

贾迈勒是一个严肃的、有能力的经理人,他通过慈善计划帮助穷人,埃及成功的经济开放也有赖于他的襄助。He is a serious, competent manager and runs charity schemes that help the poor. Egypt’s successful economic liberalisation, too, bears his imprimatur.

你尤其不太愿意接受那些不求你回报的襄助,无论在精神或物质上,主要为了隐藏动机和私密的日程安排。You don't feel especially inclined to accept assistance from any celestial or earthly force without a good hunt, first, for hidden motives and secret agendas.

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我们相信,在广大校友和社会各界慷慨支持、鼎力襄助下,在全校师生和教育基金会的共同努力下,中央民族大学必将迎来更加美好的明天!We believe that with the generosity, great support and common efforts by our faculty, students and the education foundation, MUC is sure to embrace a better tomorrow.