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两院能否达成妥协尚是未知数。It's unclear if the two chambers will reach a compromise.

观音堂坐北朝南,庙分两院。Kuan Yin Tong sit south, at Temple House of Representatives.

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我还在最近召开的两院院士大会上表扬了你。I was in the recently held conference academicians praise you.

两院院士、西南交通大学教授沈志云分析。Both houses of southwest jiaotong university, professor ShenZhiYun analysis.

已经盖了两院避水楼,还有一个最小的儿子没有解决。Have built houses to avoid water floor, there is a youngest son did not solve.

一只黑头鸥在英国伦敦议会两院前方飞行着。A black-headed gull flies in front of the Houses of Parliament in London, England.

虽然参议院被认为是上院,但实际上两院是平级的。Although the Senate is considered the upper house of the chambers has equal power.

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新罕布什尔州以178票赞成对167票反对侥幸通过了这一法律,投票前两院成员辩论了一个小时。The New Hampshire bill squeaked through on a 178-167 vote after an hour of debate.

大宅为三开间,内有两个四合院,两院之间有回廊相通。Dazhai three bays, with two quadrangles, the same corridor between the two chambers.

各州立法机构都包括两院,除了内布拉斯加州只有一个院。Every state has a legislature with two chambers, EXCEPT Nebraska, which has only one.

我谨对两院举办此次研讨会表示热烈祝贺,并对李静海副院长率团出席表示热烈欢迎。I also wish to extend my warm welcome to Vice President Li Jinghai and his delegation.

上述计划须经国会两院批准和总统签署,才能作为法律生效。To become law, the bill must be approved by both chambers and signed by the president.

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立法草案可以由任何一个议院产生,但必须获得两院大多数投票方能通过。Legislative bills may originate in either house and must be passed by a majority in both.

两院原属一院,于解放战争后分为两馆。Both museums descend from the same institution, but were split after the Chinese Civil War.

如果参、众两院通过的提案内容完全一致,提案将被送交总统。If a bill is passed in identical form by the House and Senate, it is delivered to the President.

法律草案先前已在议会两院一读审议中获得通过。Rogation already was in before two courtyards read the parliament in discussing, obtain through.

美国国会两院制的最初发展得益于英国悠久的两院传统。The initial development of American two-chamber system benefited from British bicameral tradition.

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我们在国会两院的席位的损失,使我顿然变为少数党的一名普通成员。Our loss of both houses of Congress turned me overnight into a junior member of the minority party.

众议院和参议院拥有几乎相等的权力,但是两院的选举方式极为不同。The House and the Senate have nearly equal powers, but their means of election are quite different.

1994年的国会两院选举后,我被讥讽为一个非主流的人物,注定要在1996年失利。After the 1994 elections, I had been ridiculed as an irrelevant figure, destined for defeat in 1996.