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他慢慢地翻过曲谱。He turns the page slowly.

口琴曲谱栏目里面有。You can find it in the tunes column.

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草堂的曲谱下载后怎么打开?。How to open the tabs after downloading.

新发的五首口琴曲谱为什麽有两首是重的?Two new tunes are duplicated in the five new ones.

他必须原本把这些音乐提炼,变成曲谱。He must abstract these music originally, become opern.

单击标题栏上的“教程曲谱”,然后看弹出网页的最右侧。Turn to the lessons page and check the column on the right.

维瓦尔第于1727年创作了该作品,但是曲谱后来丢失。Vivaldi wrote the work in 1727, but the score was later lost.

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试着吹奏口琴曲谱页面上最开始的一些曲子。Try learning some of the beginning tunes on the " Tunes " page.

此处白板上曲谱的第二小节有误Here we go. You're going to sing that top melody. One, ready, go.

绿竹婆演奏起“”曲谱,令狐冲听得如痴如醉,遥想往事。Green bamboo woman play opern, horse, yao can make fox blunt past.

那场火烧掉了他们所有的文件,曲谱和年鉴。It had burned up all their letters and their music and their yearbooks.

他不把那些曲谱当成神圣的东西,他使我升华,他向我提出疑问。Like, he doesn't take the text as sacred, he elevates me, he questions me.

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曲谱是拟测古声调调值最好的语料。Music score is the best material to reconstruct the pitches of ancient tones.

就拿冰做的曲谱来讲,冰的声音和天色都是至关主要的限制身分。In this case the sound ofthe ice and the weather are the most important limits.

附儿歌曲谱,方便教师自行弹奏,与幼儿一起唱咏。Scores are provided. Teachers can play the piano and sing the songs with the children.

曲谱散发嘹亮的歌声,让其白云消散而只剩下一展无际的蓝天。For sporadic singing loud and clear, let the clouds dissipate and the only one the sky.

如有查询或欲索取以上曲谱,请联络宣道出版社或霍裔强先生。Please contact China Alliance Press or Mr. Gary Fok for copies of any of the above hymns.

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不仅如此,作曲家费罗兹·豪斯为这些放松室特意作了曲谱。For added impact, composer Fritz Hauser has created some special music for the relaxation room.

而且曲谱凡是都很贵,如不美观你真喜欢音乐,吹口哨也一样。Also, instrument's always pretty expensive. If you are really into music, just whistling will do.

一个是指不看曲谱,凭记忆中的旋律用乐器弹奏一首歌曲。One is to play a song on a musical instrument by remembering the tune and not by reading the music.