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爱子公主已于本周一回学校上课。Princess Aiko was back to school on Monday.

原以为唯有亲娘爱子深。I thought only mother loves son in the world.

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每次接到爱子的来信都更加令人悲伤。Sadder were the times when letters came from Aiko.

你怀抱中熟睡的这个孩子,就是自有永有天父的爱子。The sleeping Child you're holding is the Great, I Am.

这对爱子心切的父母更是为了女儿更好的发展,举家搬迁到洛杉矶。The loving parents did so and moved to LA for her better development.

爱子是那不能看见之神的像,是一切受造之物的首生者。Who is the image of the invisible God, the Firstborn of all creation.

因为上主谴责他所爱的,有如父亲谴责他的爱子。For whom the LORD loves he reproves, and he chastises the son he favors.

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爱子还能识别人脸,家里有亲朋好友来访时,她会向他们打招呼。Aiko recognise faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit.

爱子还能识别人脸,家里有亲朋挚友来访时,她会向他们打号召。Aiko recognise faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit.

她的一生多灾多难,疾病缠身,贫困之极,兼爱子又失。Her life has been full of ordeals sickness poverty and loss of her beloved son.

她喊了爱子的名字,那少女便匆匆走下扶梯,投入她的怀抱。She called Aiko's name, and the girl rushed down the steps and into Edith's arms.

她喊了爱子的名字,那少女便匆匆走下扶梯,投入她的怀抱。She called Aiko's name, and the girl rushed down the steps andsintosEdith's arms.

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一个痛失爱子极度悲伤的妇人来大师这里寻求安慰.A woman in great distress over the death of her son came to the Master for comfort.

身着白色套装的雅子对女儿说了些鼓励的话,爱子听后面露微笑。She smiled behind a word of encouragement from her mother, who was wore in a pearly meet.

身着白色套装的雅子对女儿说了些鼓励的话,爱子听后面露微笑。She smiled after a word of encouragement from her mother, who was dressed in a white suit.

我的救主,我敬拜你,我尊崇你的名,因你是复活的主,你是神的爱子!My Savior, I worship and revere Your name for You are the risen Christ, beloved Son of God.

新星夏厄·拉伯夫饰演琼斯和玛丽昂的爱子。Rising star Shia LaBeouf joins the cast in a role that is the love child of Indy and Marion.

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洪爱子把马正基找了来,要跟他达成一致,坚决反对合家的决定。Hong son to Ma Zhengji found to agree with him, firmly opposed to the decision of the family.

父亲为了孩子的利益只好让步,爱子被夺以后,他便把心寄托在花木上。The father had yielded in the little one's interest, and had transferred his love to flowers.

因为是他由黑暗的权势下救出了我们,并将我们移置在他爱子的国内。He rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.