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马里亚那海沟是地球最深的地方。The Marianna Trench is the deepest part of the Earth's surface.

一位潜水者正在探索冰岛Silfra附近的大陆海沟,拍摄于2010年。A diver explores a continental trench in Silfra Iceland in 2010.

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只有三人敢冒险带着潜水器进入海沟。Only three humans have ventured into the trench in submersibles.

当你遇到这条海沟时,从下面游过去,别从上面过。Yes. When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it.

留心一下位于关岛西面的名叫马里亚纳海沟的深海谷地。Consider the abyssal valley called the Marianas Trench, lying west of Guam.

没准可以辉煌到大上南极,或者潜进海沟。Perhaps may magnificently to big on South Pole, or dives the oceanic trench.

谷歌地球提供的不只是低空俯视海底山脉和海沟。Google Earth provides more than a fly-by look at the undersea mountains and trenches.

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马马里亚纳海沟是太平洋板块插入马里亚纳板块下方的区域。The Mariana Trench is a zone where the Pacific Plate is subducting under the Mariana Plate.

实际上,只有2%的海底区域在海面20,000英尺以下,那个地带都是幽深阴暗的海沟。In fact, only about 2 percent of the seafloor lies below 20,000 feet, in deep, muddy trenches.

板块以一个由洋中脊、转换断层和海沟相互连接形成的网络为界。The plates are bounded by an interconnected network of ridges, transform faults, and trenches.

这些岛屿实际上是开曼槽的顶端——加勒比海最深的海沟。These islands are actually the peaks of the Cayman Trough, the Caribbean Sea's deepest trench.

峭壁公园以里柱弄海沟为主体,因海蚀作用而形成。Cliff Park is composed mainly of the Lishunong Ocean Trench, which is formed due to marine-abrasion.

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在别的地方,两块板块又可能相向移动而沿著深海沟和岛弧逐渐聚合。Elsewhere, two plates may shift toward each other and converge along a deepsea trench and island arc.

法国海军已经建造了一个深海潜水器,用来装载三个人去到马利亚纳海沟的基底。The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench.

海岭、海台呈块状分布在海盆之上,长垣分布在菲律宾海沟的东侧。Some uplifts developed at the bottom and long hills developed at the east side of the Philippine Trench.

在大陆的边缘,地壳被向下牵拉,从而在洋底形成了很深的海沟。At the edges of the continents, the crust is dragged downward to form the deep trenches of the ocean floors.

而探明此海沟内的生物将有助于科学家了解世界各地海洋生物的生态模式。Finding out just what lives in the rift will help scientists understand patterns of marine life around the world.

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九寨沟,由树正群海沟、则查洼海沟、则沟三条主沟组,海拔均匀在2500米左右。It is constituted with three main areas-Shuzhengqunhaigou, zechawahaigu and rizigou, 2500 meters above sea level.

例如,道格·巴特利特便专注于研究海沟——海底地壳狭长而深的裂缝——中的微生物。Doug Bartlett, for example, focuses his work on bacteria from ocean trenches—long, deep gashes in the undersea crust.

板块俯冲带就是大洋海沟的地带,强烈地震发生带,世界最主要的火山带。Subduction zones are the sites of oceanic trenches, high earthquake activity, and most of the world's major volcanoes.