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如一台ZL50装载机突然转向失灵。If a sudden turn Loader ZL50 Units failure.

狡音乐和视频下跌装载机是很好的。Foxy tunes and video down loader are really good ones.

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本单位长期全国供应二手设备。汽车吊。装载机。Units of long-term supply of used equipment nationwide.

有时用装载机将积雪装载到自卸车上进行运输。They sometimes load snow into dump trucks for transport.

他们首先在机腹舱口附近安置好带式装载机。They first position belt loaders neat the belly cargo hatches.

装载机和挖土机能够不需爆破就进行普通的挖掘。Loaders and shovels easily dig common excavation without blasting.

我们具备鹰眼的装载机能够处理任何精确的行动。Our hawkeye loader can handle super precise action during operation.

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装载机的深底铲斗一般可装载3~6立方米的土壤。Their deep bucket can usually store about 3-6 cubic meters of earth.

塔式起重机,汽车起重机,轮式起重机和斗或叉式装载机。Tower cranes, truck cranes, mobile cranes and bucket or fork loaders.

第四类,仪表仪器、挖掘机、装载机及零配件等。Instrument equipment, road roller, excavators, loader and spare parts.

因此,在昆都仑区开发生产装载机设备具有良好的投资价值。Producing loaders equipment in Kun District has good investment value.

液力机械传动变速器总成是轮式装载机上的关键部件。Hydro-mechanical transmission assembly is a key part on a wheel loader.

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装载机、叉车和氛围压缩机都是重型施工机械。Loaders, fork lifts and air compressors are heavy construction machinery.

迪柯的装载机易于抬起和输出塑料菲林胶片。Dyco's Easy Loader is designed to easily lift and load Plastic Film Rolls.

主要经营常林牌装载机,压路机,平地机。Mainly manages Chang Linpai the car loader, the bulldozer, the road roller.

装载机铲斗内的粘附积土,直接影响其生产率。The stuck soil in bucket of shovel loader affects directly its productivity.

全球最大的轮式装载机制造商,2008年产销装载机29000台。The world's largest wheel loader manufacturer, 29000 loaders output in 2008.

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作业平稳性是装载机工作装置设计的目标之一。The operational stability is design goal of the loader 's working device too.

挖掘装载机服役仅三个月铲斗长销轴即断裂。The long pin axle of dig-loading machine are fractured after three months′use.

某型号装载机在进行台架破坏性试验时动臂出现裂纹。A crack occurred in the boom during a bench destruction test of a wheel loader.