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大洋国同东亚国作战。Oceania is at war with Eastasia.

这只海鸥在大洋上沾一沾水。The seagull dipped in the ocean.

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汇入你的大洋憩休。Who in your ocean finds her rest.

巴拿马运河连通两大洋。The Panama Canal joins two oceans.

你们横渡大洋,跨越千山万水。Across oceans, rivers and mountains.

哪里是“大洋彼岸中国”?Where the heck is Transoceanic China?

二是,这里是世界上海水最咸的大洋。Also, it is the world's saltiest ocean.

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“航行者”号正驶向一个大洋风暴。Voyager was heading for an ocean storm.

为什么大西洋是最咸的大洋?Why is the Atlantic the saltiest ocean?

海轮在大洋巨浪上颠簸。The ship was tossed by the ocean billow.

巨轮在大洋中破浪前进。The great ship ploughed across the ocean.

“我追求的是大洋钱。”他恬不知耻地说。"I was after the bucks, " he said boldly.

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大洋是点滴的水聚成的。The ocean began with little drops of water.

大洋是点滴的水汇成的。The ocean begins with little drops of water.

妳能想像穿越大洋时的景像吗?Can you imagine what it is to cross an ocean?

总共三次,他疲惫的穿过大洋。Three times more he wearily crossed the ocean.

这种影响是双向的,并且横跨大洋。That impact travels both ways and crosses oceans.

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大洋的发言人没有就此事发表评论。Dayang's spokesman could not be reached for comment.

为什么你要越过大洋,那是你的事情。Why you’re moving across the ocean is your business.

你不远万里从大洋彼岸而来光临我们的公司。You visit our company by travelling a long distance.