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我老爸嫌弃我,现在泰勒也丢下了我。Because my father dumped me.

礼物送到,不要嫌弃。Gifts sent to, don't abandon.

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再说,别人嫌弃我,我也不会死皮赖脸地住在这儿。And I don't stay where I'm not wanted.

老总从未嫌弃过我,总是欣然前往。Mister never abandon me, always glad to.

当你看到罪恶的人时,你厌恶嫌弃他们。When you saw evil people, you distained them.

南宫恋雯一脸嫌弃。The south temple loves Wen one face to abandon.

我嫌弃你说明我比你干净。I cold-shoulder you to explain I am cleaner than you.

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我比你干净你凭什么嫌弃我?。Am I cleaner than you by what do you cold-shoulder me?

多受苦楚是因为?被鄙弃,被人嫌弃。He is a man of sorrows because He is despised and rejected.

父亲的脸色因为她就没有好看过,老是嫌弃她。My father 's face as she was not good, always think of her.

雷利看不出是什么动物的肉,担心是甚至连那三只猎狗也嫌弃的腐肉。He feared it was carrion that even the trio of hounds had rejected.

人们用歧视,嫌弃的目光去看待他们,甚至孤立他们。People use discrimination, abandon to see them, even isolated them.

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会长一听说如果不嫌弃的话,我们家的2楼全都是空的。Grow a heard that if dont abandon, all of the 2nd floor in our house is empty.

田菊华以为铁虎嫌弃她,一气之下把铁虎轰出门去。Tian Juhua think iron tiger abandon her, in a pet tiger boom to the iron door.

先生们,我的父亲从来就嫌弃我,因为我不懂数学。Gentlemen, my father always detested me because I could not understand mathematics.

这样吧,我告诉您,我腿上的肉最好吃,您要是不嫌弃可以先尝尝我腿上的肉。Well, I tell you, my leg meat the most delicious, if you don't mind can taste my legs.

关雅丽却一口应下,还问栾学堂是否嫌弃自己。GuanYa lili is a should be under, but also asked whether Luan school abandon themselves.

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“那就要麻烦你了,不会嫌弃我做电灯泡吧。”小青开玩笑道。" That will bother you, I do not think the electric light bulb. " Make fun of road green.

丽萍这孩子太实在了,我们家那么破,她那么干净的小姑娘从来不嫌弃,太贴心了。My wife the child too really, we then break, she never abandon the girl as clean, too sweet.

现在该轮到中国的汽车公司来接手被底特律嫌弃的品牌了。Now it might be the turn of a Chinese automaker to take over some of Detroit's unwanted brands.