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冷冻酸奶酪的营养很丰富。Yogurt is nutrient-rich.

孩子做营养快餐"Kids make nutritious snacks."

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那个婴儿营养很好。That's a well-nourished baby.

防皱天然营养霜。C. anti-wrinkle nutrient cream.

叶子为植物制造营养。Leaves make food for the plant.

供给发毛营养。Provides nutrients to the hair.

壮志雄心地投入到食品营养的研发上。For its ambitious nutrition R&D.

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番石榴是一种热带水果,营养异常丰富,和任何其他健康果蔬相比都毫不逊色。Guava is a tropical super fruit.

他还在上体能基础课,营养课还没碰过呢。He's still taking Basic Fitness.

科莱娜吃许多有营养的食品。Katrina eats lots of healthy food.

现在给你涂营养霜好吗?Now, shall we use the youth cream?

参加个健身班或营养班。Take a fitness or nutrition class.

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夏季营养食品是什么?What is summertime nutrition food?

二十亿人营养不良。And, two billion were malnourished.

小麦胚具有很高的营养价值。Wheat germ has many health-benefits.

新鲜蔬菜富于营养。Fresh vegetables are very nutritious.

这种食物为你提供营养。This food provides nutrition for you.

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塑料袋可没有营养价值!Plastic bags have no nutritious value!

头静脉的营养血管。The nutrient vessels of cephalic vein.

他们需要足够的营养。Their bodies needed adequate nutrition.