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相继发表了两个重要的研究。Allis published two major studies.

勒伯夫和佐拉在同一月内相继退役。Leb?uf and Zola retired in one month.

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米亚和她的妈妈相继死去。Miya and her mother died successively.

难民们相继因病丧身。The refugees were dying off from disease.

这次大约蜜蜂相继死去只要一周到三周的时间。The die-off takes just one to three weeks.

上个月,其中三名死者在4天内相继去世。Three died last month within a four-day period.

一年多内,地球上有三个地方相继地震。In more than a year, 3 places quaked on the earth.

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最近,在欧美也被相继引入。Recently, it is being used in America and Europe too.

多名医生相继通知贝克,块状物没什么大不了的。Doctor after doctor told Baker his lump was not a big deal.

其中一只开始后,其它幼蛛相继加入。It begins with one spiderling and others one by one join in.

士兵们虽然相继死去,但是十字军的阴魂一直未散。Yes, the Crusades died off, but it was regaining popularity.

当你和仇敌相继死去,彼此即彻底化敌为友了。You will be quite friendly with your enemy when you both die.

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它是由许多作曲家在数年间相继完成的I think it's been set by a number of composers over the years.

长野县周边地区也相继发生3、4级地震。Nagano and the surrounding areas have occurred 3,4 earthquake.

之后,青藏、新藏、滇藏公路也相继建成。After the Qinghai-Tibet, Yunnan-Tibet road is also being built.

2009年中旬,歌诗达·炫目号和太平洋号相继下水。In 2009, the song poetry and the Pacific, glaring, successively.

自从学校相继削减艺术课程后,玛丽.罗杰斯就感到非常难过,于是在2002年她与罗丝玛丽.哈尼特一起开创了Abrakadoodle。Mary Rogers was troubled by art programs being cut from schools.

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然后1933年,美国放弃了金本位制度3,其他国家也在此之后也相继放弃。The United States dropped it in 1933 and other countries did it later.

调查揭示无市场上家禽相继死亡的报告。The investigation uncovered no reports of poultry die-offs in the market.

服刑期间,父亲和他18个月大的女儿相继去世。His father died when he was in prison. So did Joe’s 18-month-old daughter.