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临产前就会出现分娩先兆。Before being in labor, will present the childbirth omen.

你们要尽快赶来,因为我们当中有个孕妇要临产了。You should hurry because one of us is about to have a baby.

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就在我临产的前几周,妈妈陷入了深度昏迷。A few weeks before my due date, Mother lapsed into a deep coma.

很多临产妇女由于孕妇过多而被妇产医院拒之门外。Many expectant mothers were crowded out of the maternity hospitals.

当出现了临产先兆或计划施行剖宫产时再拆除缝线。When the aura of birth or plan to dismantle suture cesarean section.

当我快接近五十岁的时候,我发现我又怀孕了,临产期当然还是在一月份。When I was on the upslope to fifty, I found that I was pregnant again.

有些妈咪会在临产过程中呕吐,即使她们什么都没有吃。Some women throw up as labor progresses, even if they haven’t been eating.

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但是听起来你的临产符合典型的初产模式。But it doesn’t sound like your labor’s fitting that typical first-timer pattern.

你的宝宝将会被继续监视并评估如何应对临产。Your baby will be continuously monitored to assess how he or she is dealing with labor.

在热比汗即将临产之前,斯迪克才与原妻离婚并与热比汗办了结婚手续。Only when Rabiehan was close to giving birth did Stick divorce his wife and marry Rabiehan.

与此同时,谈小爱也出现临产迹象,进了同一家医院。At the same time, to talk about small love also showed signs of labor, in the same hospital.

不知道有没有妈妈经历过在临产前,胎膜早破裂。Did not know that has mother to experience before being in labor, the fetal membrane bursts early.

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司机对他们说,“这个女人马上就要临产了,”从家里把她拉出来,往医院送。He told them that he had taken the woman from her home because the midwife was unable to help her.

我觉得给医生打电话很愚蠢,因为他告诉我临产最初的几个小时应该在家里度过。I feel silly calling my doctor, who said we should spend the first several hours of labor at home.

研究人员认为临产前,婴儿是由乙肝病毒安全保护胎盘。Researchers have assumed that before labor, the infant is safely protected from HBV by the placenta.

本文报告用安定促进临产宫口扩张80例,取得良好效果。Data are presented to define the stimulating effect of diazepam on uterine cervix dilatation in labor.

当怀孕的种猪准备临产时,她们将从怀孕箱转移到生产箱。When pregnant sows are ready to give birth, they are moved from a gestation crate to a farrowing crate.

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难道你中间没有了君王,或者你的参议已丧亡,令你痛苦,像临产的妇女?Hast thou no king in thee, or is thy counsellor perished, because sorrow hath taken thee as a woman in labour?

英国一名女子在临产前通过驾照考试,并在随后自己驱车前往医院生产。A learner driver passed her test while in labour and then drove herself straight to the hospital to give birth.

而更糟的是,11月当投票即将开始时,Bristol也即将临产。The timing is even worse as Bristol will be about to give birth when voters go to the polling station, come November.