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这影像的焦距没调好。The image is out of focus.

焦距长底随透镜的厚度而变化。This is a long focus lens.

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她调好相机焦距,准备拍摄远处的目标。She set the camera for a long-distance shot.

他拿出相机并调准了焦距。He took out the camera and brought it into focus.

你最好把照相机的焦距调整一下对准那些小船。You had better refocus your camera on those boats.

近视眼的焦距比正常眼睛的要短。A near-sighted eye has a shorter focus than a normal eye.

近视眼比正常的眼睛有较短的焦距。A near-sighted eye has a shorter focus than a normal eye.

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他将照相机的焦距调好,然后按下快门。He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release.

他的镜头会被冻住,然后就没法调节焦距了。His lens would freeze over and became impossible to focus.

她把摄象机的焦距进行了一些小小的调整。She made a few minor adjustments to the focus of her camera.

在照相之前请调准照相机的焦距。Before you take photos, please adjust the focus of your camera.

我用尼康D3X和D3S进行拍摄,焦距14mm--300mm。I shoot on Nikon D3X and D3S using lenses from 14mm up to 300mm.

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只有对准焦距才可以拍出好照片。You cannot take a good photograph unless the object is in focus.

凹透镜的焦距,是指由焦点到透镜中心的距离。Aotou Jing focal length, is the focus of the lens from the center.

设计了一个用于远距离监视电视的折反射式步进变焦距透镜。A catadioptric step zoom lens for remote supervision TV is designed.

假如你有一个长焦距镜头,这样做的效果会更好。This is especially exciting for them if you have a telephoto lens on.

这是指望远镜的焦距与其孔径的比值。This is the ratio of the focal length of the telescope to its aperture.

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当你的相机恰好捕捉到一颗火流星的时候,你会发现相机的焦距没有调好。When you catch a fireball on your camera the photo will be out of focus.

我已经调好光圈焦距,只要这个按钮就行了。I've already set the lighting and distance. You can just press this button.

介绍一种测量平行光管内凸透镜焦距的测量方法。In this paper, a measuring method of convex lens foci in collimator is given.