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CNN记者凯西现在在州府麦迪逊。CNN's Casey Wian is actually in Madison right now.

朱诺为其州府,安克雷奇是最大城市。Juneau is the capital and Anchorage the largest city.

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周四,康斯威星州州府挤满了抗议的人群。State capital on Thursday was jam-packed with these protesters.

现计划迁州府到安克雷奇附近的威洛。There are plans to move the capital to Willow, near Anchorage. Population, 551,947.

怒江州境内州府六库、泸水县、福贡县、贡山县。Within Nujiang Prefecture capital Liuku, Lushui County, Fugong County, Gongshan County.

这里是塔司梅尼亚的州府,塔司梅尼亚地处澳大利亚最南端,是全国最小的、唯一在岛上的州。It is the capital of Tasmania, the smallest, most southerly and only island state of Austrilia.

泉水镇历史悠久,人杰地灵,是古越州府所在地。Spring town has a long history, outstanding people, is the seat of the ancient Yue state capital.

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他们发现有一个例外,稻米输出的州府间有着很高的内在整合。They find that, with one exception, exporting prefectures had high levels of internal integration.

在许多国家和州府,同志婚姻,公民关系以及家庭合伙都是被承认的。Gay marriage, civil unions or domestic partnerships is afforded to gays in many countries and states.

然而,如果你到德克萨斯州府的参议院那边去转一转,你将听到一个完全不同的德克萨斯故事。Wander round to the Senate side of the state capitol, though, and you will hear a different Texan tale.

是年,坊间传曰蛋亦习读素柩,见录于渝州府某卫生学堂。Just in that year, Eggie was said to learn medical and matriculated by some hygiene school in Yu county.

在斯特帕诺瓦居住的西伯利亚州府新西伯利亚,几乎三分之一的结核病感染者会死亡。In Novosibirsk, the capital of Siberia where Stepanova lives, almost one in three TB infections is fatal.

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该城建于公元1632年,在17世纪成为商业中心,1820年到1832年为缅因州州府。Settled c. 1632, it became a commercial center in the 17th century and was state capital from 1820 to 1832.

震中位于上拉秀乡日麻村,距离州府结古镇以西约50公里,震源深度33公里。The epicenter is at Rima Village in Shanglaxiu Township, about 50 km west of Jiegu, government seat of Yushu.

迈杜古里是尼东北部博尔诺州的州府,当地居民大多信仰伊斯兰教。Maiduguri is the capital city of Borno state in northeastern Nigeria. Most of its local residents are Muslims.

由于威廉斯堡州府的搬迁,詹姆斯敦老城区开始慢慢从人们的视线中消失。Due to the movement of the capital to Williamsburg, the old town of Jamestown began to slowly disappear from view.

无论是城市、州府还是区,关心学校教育的民众们无不对公共教育的未来表示担忧。No matter the city, state, or region, those who know schools best are frightened for the future of public education.

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开幕式在贡山县举行,闭幕式及颁奖晚会在州府六库举行。The opening ceremony is held in Gongshan, while the closing ceremony and awards evening is held in the prefecture's capital Liuku.

三分之二的州府随后通过立法反对真实身份法案,甚至禁止参与其中任何条款。Two out of three states subsequently passed legislation opposing Real ID, or even forbidding participation in any of its requirements.

狄公为此怒不可遏,召集全复州府的衙役,在方圆百里内寻找,一定要找到凶手。Digong this furious, called the whole complex state capital of the runners, look for a radius of hundred miles, be sure to find the murderer.