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渐渐的,她憔悴、消瘦。Gradually she pined away.

我却说,我消瘦了!But I say, Leanness to me!

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她也很消瘦,面无血色。She, too, was thin and pale.

饥饿已使她两颊消瘦。Hunger had thinned her cheeks.

久病使他变得消瘦。He was emaciated by long illness.

他的身体由久病而消瘦了。His body was wasted by long illness.

家有消瘦宝宝,怎么办?。How should I do with my fleshless baby?

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哦,是炎炎夏日令我消瘦Oh my thinness is caused by summer heat

人们太迷恋消瘦的身材了,people get too obsessed of being skinny

久病使这病人消瘦了。A long illness had emaciated the invalid.

那些囚犯被留置在牢中任其消瘦。The prisoners were left to rot in prison.

高消瘦素水平传递相反的信号。High leptin levels relay the opposite signal.

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长年生病使这位老师变得消瘦。The teacher was leaned out by his long illness.

病畜尸体极度消瘦。Carcasses of diseased sheep were extreme emaciation.

这些苗条消瘦的模特们真的能怀孕吗?Can these lean and unpuffy models really be pregnant?

烟民普遍较非吸烟者消瘦。But smokers are, on average, skinnier than nonsmokers.

她感到疲倦和怕冷,她之前体质消瘦、不喜欢热。She feels tired and cold. She was thin and hating hot.

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在那个故事中,那位孤寂的少女郁闷不乐,渐渐地消瘦了。In the story the lorn damsel languished and pined away.

在那个故事中,那位孤寂的少女郁闷不乐,渐渐地消瘦了。In the story, the lorn damsel languished and pined away.

那女孩个子很矮,身材消瘦,她穿的衣服未免过于艳丽。The girl was short and thin and her clothes were garish.