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我认为你是不合纰缪的。I don't think you re right.

人都有纰缪谬误。Every man has hellos faults.

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我想你那样不合纰缪。i think you're mistaken about that.

没有纰缪,只有教训!There are no mistakes, only lessons!

而是我要证明他们是纰缪的。It was more or less proving them wrong!

研究你的纰缪会给你带来利润。It is profitable to study your mistakes.

你对于你爸爸云云无礼是纰缪的。It's wrong to be so rude to your father.

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侯耀华应该公开认可他的纰缪。Hou Yaohua should openly admit his mistakes.

我犯纰缪越多,前进越大。The more mistakes I make, the more progress I.

要从纰缪中吸取教训,不要反复纰缪。Learn from your mistakes but never repeat them.

你认为你的长处和纰缪谬误是什么?。What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?

你们会掩饰纰缪,还是会坦诚道歉?。Will you bluff it out when you're wrong, or will you apologize?

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除开几个拼音书写纰缪外,你的作文挺正确。Bpart from a few spelling mistakes, your composition is quite good.

请给出一个这段你从别人的纰缪中有所学习的例子。Tell me about the last time you learned from someone else's mistake.

爱情是盲目的,情侣们往往看不见她们自己所犯下的愚蠢纰缪。Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit.

咱们只管即便分歧纰缪消费者做无谓之举,如使用花式信笺等。We try not to spend money on things that don't matter to customers, e. g. , fancy letterhead.

这样就能让纰缪最小化,并且在应用步伐成形时赐与你这个步伐员足够的决定信念。Thellos minimizes errors and gives you, the programmer, confidence as your application takes shape.

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高声朗读会使先前编纂时漏掉的鸠拙的句子用处和纰缪袒露出来。Bwkward sentences and errors that slipped through earlier edits show up readily when reading out loud.

英国人决分歧纰缪一件艺术品感乐趣,直至有人说这件工具不品德。The English public takes no interest in a work of art until it is told that the work in question is immoral.

不要因为经历了掉败就等闲抛却。从纰缪中寻找教训,在每步都要寻找可用的资源并将其改变为有帮助因素。So don't give up. Learn from every mistake. And at each step, seek out and capitalize on the resources available to you.