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大吵大闹之后他们又扭打在一起。They scuffled after quarrelling.

请不要在公共场合大吵大闹出洋相。Please don't make a scene in public places.

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我在离我农场不远的乡下沙龙里和别人大吵大闹。I got into brawls in the country saloons near my farm.

记住,小孩子可以大吵大闹,但是父母却不能。Remember toddlers are allowed to throw tantrums. Parents are not.

而你的大吵大闹又不会给冒犯者造成甚么影响。And your fussing makes not a particle of difference to the offender.

玩耍的时候,如果被打断,他不可能不大吵大闹。When playing, he could not be interrupted without a creating a fuss.

昨天上午这位年轻的女售货员与经理大吵大闹。The young salesgirl rowed fiercely with the manager yesterday morning.

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柏龄不满碧玉到来大吵大闹,怒掴她后将她赶走。BaiLing dissatisfaction jasper come hell down her anger after her away.

她要是看到你的兔子把她的花园弄成什么样,肯定会大吵大闹的。She'll raise hell when she sees what your rabbit has done to her garden.

她说,像泰坦尼克号正在下沉,人们大吵大闹。She said it was like the Titanic going down—people screaming and yelling.

她把我惹毛了,所以我开始和她大吵大闹引来群众围观。She was pissing me off, so I started screaming at her and causing a scene.

隔壁那对夫妻又在大吵大闹了,我们要去劝劝吗?The couple next door are at each other's throats again. Shall we do something?

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作为回报,他大吵大闹地否认存在着人为造成的气候变化。He returns the favour by vociferously denying that manmade climate change exists.

我的邻居们老是争吵不休,常常是为了点小事而大吵大闹。My neighbours are continually quarreling, but if is usually a storm in a tea-cup.

这些孩子在大庭广众这样大吵大闹真是该感到害臊。These kids ought to feel ashamed of themselves for such a free-for-all in public.

尔勒·科夫说有些海龟因为资金的分配问题而大吵大闹。Erle Keefer said some Turtles spoke up vociferously about the allocation of money.

我的邻居们老是争吵不休,常常是为了点小事儿大吵大闹。My neighbours are continually quarrelling, but it is usually a storm in a tea-cup.

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你不能一无是处,只知道大吵大闹或喝得烂醉。You can't be a basketcase, a girl who causes a scene or a girl who drinks too much.

猴子们一听,跺着脚又蹦又跳,大吵大闹,喊叫着嫌少。At these words, the monkeys made a great noise, stamping, jumping and crying for more.

如果我的妻子知道我为他们花了多少钱,她一定会大吵大闹的。My wife will certainly yell boldly murder when she learns how much I have spent for them.