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宁残体肤,不坠心性!Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind!

陈蔚的心性和作品安静而悠远。Chen Wei's mind and works are quiet and remote.

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颧骨中心性血管瘤临床罕见。Central hemangiomas of the zygoma is a rare disease.

我也注意到不同的国家有著特有的心性。I have noticed specific mentalities of different nations.

左室离心性扩张型的左室重量指数增加。In eccentric type of IV enlargement, the LVMI was increased.

他心性敏感而体质柔弱,很早就过世了。He was of a delicate mind and body, and he died at an early age.

现在,我要用读心性来猜一名观众的心思了。I shall now attempt to read the mind of someone in the audience.

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美国人的心性、战斗力和精神可以克服任何挑战。No challenge can match theheart and fight and spirit of America.

性灵,即人的内在情性、心性、灵性。Soul, namely the inner feelings of the people, nature, spiritual.

后工业社会的轴心原则就是理论知识的中心性。Its kernal principle is the central nature of theoretical knowledge.

那些尖锐而不广博的心性,执泥而一无所成。The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.

她一向心性坚强,任何困难都打不倒他。She has a strong character and will not be defeated by any difficulties.

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爱吃肉,又有向心性肥胖的人要小心直肠癌。Love to eat meat, people who have central obesity to be careful rectal cancer.

孟子则进一步将礼安顿在内在心性之中,将“心”作为礼的合法性基础。Mengzi furthered to explain the 'heart' as the legitimacy foundation of rites.

偏那薛蟠本是浮萍心性,今日爱东,明日爱西。But Xue Pan was as fickle as water-weed which drifts EAST today, west tomorrow.

但是同修的心性到位了,都同意去那里。But practitioners' xinxing was in the right place, and they agreed to go there.

结论ACOM改进法是对偏心性二尖瓣反流进行定量的有效方法。Conclusion The modified ACOM is a feasible method for quantifying eccentric MR.

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非心性死亡对照组11例,心肌细胞内纤维连接蛋白均呈阴性。However, FN was negative in cardiomyocytes of all 11 non-cardiac death controls.

孔子的心性知识论,其中心为包括“观”与“行”的“学”。The Confucian theory of mind includes the knowledge of comprehension and behavior.

朱子道心人心思想是其心性论的一个重要组成部分,它还与其道统论紧密相联。Master Chus idea of moral mind and human mind plays an important role in his theory.