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人胰岛素注射液…Insulin Human Inj.

不能与NPH胰岛素的使用。Not for use with NPH insulin.

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常人的胰脏会分泌胰岛素Your pancreas normally makes insulin.

高蛋白、低胰岛素指数饮食最有效。A high-protein, low-GI diet works best

这段基因,就假设是,编码胰岛素的基因吧A gene, let's say it's the gene for insulin.

低胰岛素指数饮食的特殊要求Special requirements for a low-glycemic diet

在胰岛素作用很强以前的时刘。In insulin function very strong before time Liu.

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诺和诺德将要在这里建立一个生产胰岛素工厂。Novo Nordisk is building an insulin plant there.

胰腺里的细胞产生胰岛素Those cells in your pancreas are making insulin.

胰岛素调节障碍也是糖尿病的一部分。Insulin dysregulation is part of diabetes as well.

胰岛素可引起系膜细胞GLUT4易位。Insulin induced the translocation of GLUT4 of GMC.

血浆胰岛素、C肽采用放免法测定。Plasma insulin and C-peptide were measured by RIA.

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产生胰岛素的细胞称为β细胞。The insulin-producing cells are called beta cells.

不推荐百泌达与胰岛素合用。BYETTA is not recommended to be taken with insulin.

血清瘦素、胰岛素放射免疫测定。Serum leptin, insulin were assessed by immunoassay.

肠促胰岛素缺乏可称为“肠促胰岛素病”。The incretin defect could be named "incretinpathy".

伴随着胰岛素水平的升高,它开始在体内循环As it's going up, it's circulating around your body.

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胰岛素原在粗糙型内质网中合成。Proinsulin is formed in rough endoplasmic reticulum.

胰岛素原在粗糙型内质网中合成。Proinsulin is formed on rough endoplasmic reticulum.

镇静剂和胰岛素这样的荷尔蒙也是一样。So are anticonvulsants and hormones such as insulin.