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水花四溅。The water splashes about.

水花四溅。Water splashed everywhere.

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或者那是眼泪溅起的水花么?Or is it the plashing of tears?

水花四溅和自由落体的水果是很快速的。Water and falling fruit are fast.

草原老鹳草‘水花四溅’Geranium pratense L. 'Splish Splash'

我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。I fell into the water with a splash.

他们不曾想过他们激起的水花溅湿了谁。They do not think whom they souse with spray.

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一阵水花扑来,溅湿了他的脸。A smother of spray dashed up, wetting his face.

淇水波涛滚滚,水花打湿了车上的布幔。Qishui waves rolling in, spray wet the car curtain.

他向前走的时候,水花在他的鞋尖附近飞溅着。Water splashed near his shoe-tops as he moved forward.

流处水花急,吐时云叶鲜。Stream water is urgent, spit when clouds of fresh leaf.

羊也跳入井口并溅起了大水花。The Goat also jumps into the well and makes a big splash.

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花园里有一个池塘,里面一个喷泉喷吐着水花。There was a pond in the garden in which a fountain played.

哈利感觉到散发着海腥味儿的冰冷水花溅在他脸上。Harry could feel flecks of cold salt spray hitting his face.

我的情感属于那种容易泛滥的,忧郁总是那洪水不时荡出水花。My feelings tend to be sad, like the flood water from a swing.

顷刻间草地上银珠乱蹦,水洼里水花四溅。Hailstones bounce against the grass and splash into the puddles.

她掉转喷嘴,让水花集中喷入小河。She turned the nozzle and the spray concentrated down to a stream.

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使用一个比较高的容器,以免水花溅到你的相机上。Use a taller tank to help prevent splashes from hitting your camera.

他看到河水忽然间冒出一个无声的小小的水花。He caught sight of a sudden, soundless and slight moving of the water.

或者那是眼泪溅起的水花么?人类眼泪的不测的渊海么?Or is it the plashing of tears? the measureless waters of human tears?