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他东奔西走寻找工作。He hunted high and law for a job.

在东奔西走的活动中寻觅一份安宁。Favor stillness over a buzz of activity.

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为了这个就业,我每天东奔西走。With this kind of job, I am 'sways on the move.

他东奔西走了好一阵才定居下来。He kicked around a good deal before settling down.

我一整天都在办公室里东奔西走,实在困极了。I've run around the office all day. I'm exhausted!

采购员天天为备料东奔西走。The purchasing agent rushes around every day to secure materials.

在卢克为新绝地武士团东奔西走时,R2-D2始终为他效力。R2-D2 continued to serve Luke during his travels for the new Jedi Order.

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当我浪费时间,不必东奔西走,我决定它的时候了一种不同的做法。After I waste time going nowhere, I decide it's time for a different approach.

K巴苏曾前往中国北部地区,东奔西走,救死扶伤,历时将近五年。K. Basu came to Northern China and travelled around to save lives for nearly five years.

蒋升为找寻资金来拯救外父东奔西走,仍然未能找到资金援助。Jiang Sheng to look for money to save the father went outside, still failed to find funds.

对于普莱杰尔,经过三年的东奔西走,朝夕盼望,现在又回来干自己的老本行,真是好极了。To Pledger, after three years of walking and waiting, it felt good to be back at his trade again.

近几年来,我和父亲都是东奔西走,家中光景一日不日一日。My dad and i have been moving around all those years, with family financial situation deteriorating day after day.

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1938年,印度医生B.K巴苏曾前往中国北部地区,东奔西走,救死扶伤,历时将近五年。In the year of 1938, Indian Doctor B.K. Basu came to Northern China and travelled around to save lives for nearly five years.

患者受疑病观念的驱使,东奔西走,到处求医,寻求“最新”诊断。The patient gets hypochondriasis idea drive, run around here and there, demand medical service everywhere, seek " newest " diagnose.

那时我的工作地点离家有半个小时的路程,我总是随运动队东奔西走,而我的妻子也经常出差在外。At the time I worked half an hour from home, I was on the road with sports teams a lot, and my wife also was on the road quite a bit.

画中的英俊的英国都铎王朝的绅士,戴着宽大的花边领子和多少有点神秘色彩的嘴巴,在眺望着这个家庭的人们为他们自己的事情东奔西走。The handsome Tudor gentleman with a bulky lace collar and a somewhat inscrutable mouth gazed out over the family as they went about their business.

在德国和奥地利,我目睹了四分五裂和群龙无首的羊群们东奔西走,渴望着牧羊人的再次出现并给予羊群们安全保障。I saw in Germany and in Austria scatteredand leaderless sheep running this way and that, longing for the lost securityof the flock and the shepherd.

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我的工作性质就是要整天东奔西走的,经常要去北京、香港、上海、广州等城市公务出差,这也正是我至今还没有结婚的原因。My job always can not stay a steady place , and often go to Beijing, Hongkong, Shanghai and Guangzhou for businesses , and this is why I do not marry untill now.

现在,我们就为您开辟了一个新的服务行业,协助您更快,更准的找到合适自己的供货商,您不需要东奔西走。Now, we've opened up a new service industry for you, it is helpful to find the appropriate suppliers faster and more accurately, and there's no longer need to run around.

但同时他又是愤怒的、躁动的,仿佛一个行走在“旷野”的夜行人,莫名其妙地徘徊,东奔西走,始终找不到回家的路向。But in the same time, they also shows that he is a walker in the dark, angrily and impetuously, wandering around without reason and knowing nothing about the way back home.