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要想当个好演员就要学会掌握道白的时间分寸。A good actor must learn the art of tinting.

幽默感是一种分寸感。A sense of humour is a sense of proportion.

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只是得掌握一个分寸和一个度。Just have to control a proper restraint and a degree.

你是个工作狂,你能有什么分寸?You are a workaholic, what kind of sense of proprietary do you have?

她也许是一位优秀的画家,但她不懂得掌握分寸。She may be a good artist, but she doesn't know where to draw the line.

如果定要和大的机构打交道,把握好分寸,不要惹事生非。If you have to deal with large institutions, be careful not to make waves.

在维护自己的个性和融入同学之间保持分寸Walk that fine line between maintaining your individuality and blending in.

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但他们总能把握好分寸,好像在担心什么东西,垮下来的话会压死他们似的There was an edge to them, as if the whole thing could collapse on their heads.

酒精让我说话被分寸,嘴没把门儿,麻木迟钝,好斗和犯困。Alcohol made me sharp-tongued, indiscreet, insensitive, belligerent, and sleepy.

深度报道离不开背景材料的运用,而运用的关键又在于叙述分寸的把握。If we want to report news in depth, the use of background materials is unavoidable.

约翰·特里还在照常训练,他爱开玩笑,但这不影响他的专业水平,他知道分寸。John Terry is still the same in training. He jokes sometimes and he is professional.

在反对,施压,以及持续介入之间拿捏分寸是困难的。Finding the line between disapproval, pressure and continued engagement will be hard.

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要想当个好演员就要学会掌握道白的时间分寸。A good actor must learn the art of timing, ie when to deliver a line most effectively.

当然,这需要恰当的分寸感、方式、以及巧妙的“展示”。" Of course, this requires appropriate sense of propriety flu, as well as clever "show.

但大黄属于苦寒泻下药,运用时应注意分寸,避免滥用。But it should be very careful to be used in clinic because it belongs to the bitter-cold purgatives.

我在寻找一个愿意在异国他乡踏踏实实生活,喜欢并宽容多元文化,幽默且不失分寸的女性。I would like to seek a woman who tolerates multi-culture, with a sense of humor but detail-oriented.

“我想我掌握着分寸,”她说,“我不认为我在家里做的这些事是虐待。”“I think I pulled back at the right time,” she said. “I do not think there was anything abusive in my house.

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她曾深深伤害过这个男人,因而对他怀有怜悯,于是她对他的言谈话语十分和气,或许有些有失分寸。Her pity for the man she had hurt so deeply made her behave more kindly towards him than was perhaps sensible.

我们利用它开扩视野,学习知识,但一定要掌握好分寸。We use it to open to expand the field of vision, the study knowledge, but must certainly grasp the discretion.

约克先生在对晚上发生的事情表示意见时,情绪不佳,措辞也失分寸。Mr. yorke was in no mild mood, and in no measured terms did he express his opinion on the transaction of the night.