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这倒像个接头暗号分成了两半。It was like the two halves of a countersign.

说真的,它们是你需要去探索的暗号。Seriously, those are signals hat you need to explore.

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又是一个没暗号的,看起来我接不到什么真正合口味的工作了。Again, no password. I can't seem to get any real business.

而且命名的代号不能听起来或是拼写起来像是密码暗号一样。Nicknames can’t be spelled similar to or sound like codewords.

他还可以使用暗号创建您能够读懂的消息。He could also use the code to create a message that you could read.

此外,黄金高还与每位情妇都商定了幽会暗号。Moreover, Huang Jingao had developed secret codes with the mistresses.

耶稣对他说,犹大,你用亲嘴的暗号卖人子吗。But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?

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通过动这根手指,他与妻子爱米莉慢慢地形成了一套交流的暗号。By moving this, he slowly developed a code of communication with his wife.

朱红线绳是给探子们的暗号,告诉他们她想获救。The scarlet cord was a sign to the spies she wanted to be rescued by them.

一路上,梅子故意留下手帕做暗号,被李剑察觉。Along the way, plum leave a handkerchief do sign, intentionally by keyboard.

来到游击队,楚团长和白丛雪互接暗号。Came to the guerrillas, chu head and Bai Cong snow interconnection of codes.

这种做法迅速扩展,420甚至成了全世界瘾君子到了吸毒时间的暗号。The habit spread, and 420 became code for fun time among potheads worldwide.

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他们昨晚在牌桌底下没有互递暗号。They were not sending signals to each other under the card table last night.

此钞暗号是点缀在其各处的五角星。The countersign of the bill are five- point stars that are dotted everywhere.

我们以响锣为暗号,听到声音大家立即行动!We use the sound of the gong as a secret signal, move the minute you hear it!

在暴蛮,这些器材被视为拥有真格的凶悍兽人性格的暗号。To the Goffs, these are the outward signs of the tough character of the inner Ork.

这个事情让小男孩很烦恼,他去问他母亲要不要他去擦掉这暗号。This fact disturbed the boy and he asked his mother if she wanted him to erase the signal.

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这本是韦狄从前秘密向她求爱的时候用的暗号。This had been the signal in old times when Wildeve had used to come secretly wooing to her.

徐汉元在街头发现了林午阳所留的暗号,将林午阳引到了一处偏僻的巷子中。Xu Hanyuan found Lin Wu Yang left by in the street sign, the Lin Wu Yang to a remote alleys.

如果你是和朋友或者搭档在聚会的话,事先设定一个暗号,别人可以根据暗号及时“救火”。If you’re at the party with a friend or your partner, use a pre-established “rescue me” signal.