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写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly.

写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly. Be concise.

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精简指令集计算机。Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

我们正在精简人员。We are downsizing our work force.

他们必须厉行精简,阿比德先生说。They have to downsize, says Mr Abed.

公司在精简人员。Our company is downsizing the work force.

超脱与精简能够最小化你的担忧。Detach and simplify and you minimize worry.

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写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly. Be concise. Avoid wordiness.

对于猪肉而言,最精简的部分是腰部的嫩肉。For pork, the leanest cut is the tenderloin.

精简信息可能听起来像犯罪。Minimizing information may sound like a sin.

在那次精简人员的大潮中,她幸运地保住了她的工作。She wasn't sheded in the bout of downsizing.

公司决定将这几个部门合并,精简人员。Several small factories merged into a big one.

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下面是一个精简的软件市场名录。Below is a short list of software marketplaces.

你能把你的讲话精简为五分钟吗?Can you compress your speech into five minutes?

请看如下的精简版访谈。A condensed version of the conversation follows.

创建、删除、扩充或精简概要。Profile is created, deleted, augmented or unaugmented.

该软件的精简版是完全免费的。The lite version of the tool is completely free of cost.

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这些事情你就需要将它们精简优化。These are the things you should streamline and optimize.

带有精简指令集的设备的固件生成。Firmware generation for devices with reduced instruction sets

我想利奥-巴伯塔和他的精简的力量毕竟是正确的。I guess Leo Babauta with his Power of Less was right after all