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大家欢呼拥戴他为国王。They hailed him as King.

他们拥戴他为英国国王。They made him king of England.

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但大家一致拥戴第一夫人。But everybody is clamouring for the First Lady.

我拥戴「用者自付」原则。I am a firm believer in the "user-pays" principle.

爱情的阴事在两边的心灵中生成,但形体是表明拥戴的书。Loves mysteries in souls do grow! exceptyet the shape inhisguide book.

我发现他有非凡的远见卓识,并且是一个受拥戴的领导者。I found him to be a big-picture visionary and a very supportive leader.

所以说Tezuka的英国之行是成功的,而阿童木确是颇受拥戴。So Tezuka might yet take off in Britain, especially if Astro Boy is a hit.

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教授以自己的人格魅力,成为学生们拥戴的对象。The professor's charisma must speak for itself. All the students love him.

在那里,受拥戴的当地侯选人、纽约市市长阿尔弗雷德·史密斯被认为是另一政府官员威廉·麦卡杜的有力竞争对手。Smith was thought to have the edge in the contest against William G. McAdoo.

又担任拉赖因堡15年常任市长,深受市民的拥戴。And as for 15 years, rice at permanent residents, the acclaimed by the mayor.

王元丰因此得到百姓拥戴,当上县令。Wang Yuanfeng gets common people support accordingly, should go up the county makes.

示威者将这名“蜘蛛侠”奉为“英雄”,他受到拥戴离开现场。Demonstrators brought the "Spider-Man" as a "hero", he was embraced and left the scene.

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五十五岁的摩尔,是广受拥戴的名人,同时作为大公司的一个左翼祸害而被大肆辱骂。Moore, 55, is widely celebrated — and reviled — as a left-wing scourge of big business.

瓦萨返回瑞典后带领人民独立,并因此被拥戴为古斯塔夫瓦萨国王。He returned to lead the Swedes to independence, and was later proclaimed King Gustav Vasa.

部队甚至在公布皇帝死讯之前就已经拥戴提比略为帝了。The military saluted Tiberius on the spot, before it became known that the emperor had died.

华莱士在底特律是倍受拥戴的球员,总是在比赛前被大加表彰一番。Wallace was a beloved athlete in Detroit, always introduced last during pregame festivities.

不过随著死亡人数节节高升、战事旷日时久,连拥戴政府的选民也会逐渐不耐烦。But as the death-toll rises, and the war drags on, even this constituency is getting impatient.

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如今在美国有着许多拥戴西翁品系的无数代言人。Today, there are those who claim to have representatives of the Sion strain especially in the U.

这说明了为什么硬件制造商们最先成为云计算的拥戴者。All that may explain why hardware-makers were among the first to jump on the cloud-computing bandwagon.

只有在糟糕的时期,哈扎尔的运动才会赢得如此广泛、且发自内心的拥戴。Only in bad times would a movement such as Mr Hazare's elicit such widespread and emotional allegiance.