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这种狂热正席卷日本。The craze is sweeping over Japan.

世俗的骚动,席卷荒野。And worldly tempests, raging wild.

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大火像波涛一样席卷了森林。The flames billowed over the forest.

洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。The flood cut a wide swath in this area.

我知道我们没有机会了,无力感席卷了我们。I knew we had no chance. We felt impotent.

银行危机是否会席卷美国?Is a wave of bank implosions coming in the US?

强风暴也席卷了美国中西部地区。Severe storms also rolled through the Midwest.

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改革浪潮席卷全国。The reform bandwagon swept across the country.

不断升温的健身热潮正席卷整个中国。A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China.

在我看来席卷下方我的脚。Sign your name at the bottom of the page, please.

滚滚热浪正席卷着东部海岸。A scorching heat wave is engulfing the East Coast.

强烈的怒潮席卷美国公众。A hot wave of anger swept over the American public.

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晋商文化的魅力席卷全国。Shanxi Merchants culture sweeping the country charm.

一些罪犯可以席卷任何东西――除了这些。Some criminals can get away with anything--not these.

健身热潮曾经席卷了办公室外很多大姑娘。Keep-fit mania has hit some of the girls in the office.

席卷华北的大扫荡开始了。The big clean-out that sweeps across China north began.

革命的浪潮席卷了整个欧洲。The revolutionary waves swept over the whole of Europe.

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一场沙尘暴席卷了索马里边境附近的一个难民营。A sandstorm in a refugee camp near the border of Somalia.

你是静待生命中的大火,甚至甘心遭它席卷而低头认命?Do you want to wait a big fire in life and submit to it ?

这一潮流必将席卷今夏、甚至今秋。It's a trend that clearly has legs into summer and even fall.