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“你是教皇还是个神医?”盖茨问。"Were you a Pope or a doctor healing the sick?" asked Gates.

天贞见神医老人为她说话,立即说这就是实情。Day zhen see happy old man speak for her, immediately said it is the truth.

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长孙无蓉在战地医院协助方神医救死扶伤。No President in the field hospital to assist party together to make Tuesday.

四喜却看布拉泥实在可怜,忍不住带布拉泥去见神医老人。Four xi could see Mr Really poor, cant help but take blah mud to see happy old man.

干脆向校长请了个假,到镇上“朱神医”那里去看看。Just to the headmaster asked a leave, to the town" Zhu doctor" there to have a look.

请为冯国豪牧师癌症治疗祷告,求神医治并赐下平安。Pray for Rev. Patrick Fung's cancer treatment May God's healing and peace be with him.

九妹听神医老人说完前因后果,立即点头答应。Nine younger sister listen to happy old man say that finish context, immediately agreed.

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钦差说他还撑得住,四喜便把神医老人请了过来。An imperial said he also hold up, four xi kept offering the old man to come over, please.

神医心怀不正,借买东西之由支走郭虎,等郭虎一走就对郭婵动手动脚。A doctor is not correct, borrow to buy things by a tiger, a tiger Guo, Guo Guo Chan to go up.

四喜和王俊想让神医老人独自一人去黑尸林打头阵,便请他吃饭。Four xi and wang junwork want happy old man alone to black cemetery, under then ask him to dinner.

最近阿奎拉尼和队友埃尔扎尔一起飞往了贝尔格莱德并于今天抵达了塞尔维亚女神医的诊所。Aquilani is currently in Belgrade with Nabil El Zhar and had treatment today at Kovacevic's clinic.

因为“遁影术”需要有影子,所以神医老人带着一行人进入了魔宫。Because dun shadow need to have a shadow, so happy old man with a line of people entered the palace.

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天贞见黑大王瞬间消失,猜出是神医老人在背后搞鬼,便来到月老庙。Day zhen see black king disappeared, guess is offering the old man in tears, came to the old temple.

那神医也不管事,倒是赤脚医生的半瓶盐水解馋,牙掉了半颗再没有上火。The doctor does not work, it is the barefoot doctor half bottle of saline tooth, tooth away half a no fire.

犯罪广告最早成气候的,是专治难言之隐的“神医”。The first overwhelming generation of crime Ads are for the "highly-skilled doctors"who specialized in STDs.

王俊知道神医老人是事出无奈,想用刀帮他割断“丝巾“。Wang junwork know about offering the old man is a helpless, want to help him with a knife cut silk scarves.

有了神医老人的支持,四喜和王俊立即按计划去黑尸林“自投罗网”。With the support of offering the old man, four black resin Lin xi and wang junwork immediately planned to trap.

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神医老人见九妹成功带回了“明目叶”,便悄悄把真相告诉了四喜。Offering the old man see nine sister success back to the bright eye leaves, then quietly told the truth to four.

四喜知道抓黑大王非同儿戏,想请神医老人帮忙,便和王俊一起来到月老庙。Four xi know catch black king not a mole, want to please help happy old man, he came to the old temple and wang junwork.

利物浦中场阿奎拉尼近日飞往贝尔格莱德加入了接受塞尔维亚女神医的“马胎盘疗法”。Liverpool midfielder Alberto Aquilani has flown to Belgrade to receive treatment from 'horse placenta doctor' Marijana Kovacevic.