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外来词源源不断地进入英语。Foreign words keep coming into English.

她有一座无底的井,对我源源不断流出爱。She had a bottomless well of love for me.

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她为我们源源不断提供食物和钱。She kept us supplied with food and money.

挪威还源源不断地向联合国捐钱。And it shovels money into the United Nations.

救灾物资继续源源不断涌入受灾国。Aid continues to pour into the devastated country.

更重要的是,这些捐助在源源不断地大量输往海地。Most importantly the support continues to roll in.

必须向市场提供源源不断的商品。The market has to be fed with an endless supply of goods.

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而且源源不断,在任何一个转速区,你想要动力,它都会给。And flow, speed in any area you want to force it to the city.

这些源源不断地软饮料增加了牙齿腐烂的风险。This constant beverage use increases the risk of tooth decay.

我们保证石油和天然气从井口源源不断流向客户!We keep oil and gas moving from the wellhead to the customer!

他自下而上的办法带来了源源不断的金钱和投票。His bottom-up approach tapped a wellspring of money and votes.

眼见源源不断的来宾终于成为会员。See a steady stream of guests who consistently become members.

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叛逃的人起先屈指可数,后来越来越多,汇成了一股源源不断的人流。From a handful, the number of desertions grew to a steady stream.

它之所以引人入胜,是因为它能幻化成源源不断的生活原动力。It is appealing because it can be switched into sinews in our life.

关于他的源源不断的报道,总是让我痴狂。The never-ending reports of what he was doing always got me psyched.

而我们仍然被源源不断的CEO们胡作非为的故事吓得胆战心惊。And we're treated to a constant stream of stories about CEOs run amok.

email源源不断,叨扰不休——然而我们大多数人都声称自己的生活离不了它。It's constant and nagging—yet most of us say we can't live without it.

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由于珊瑚是活着的,它们提供了源源不断的材料供应。Because the corals are alive, they provide a continuous supply of material.

然而,来自希腊受害者后人的赔偿要求仍源源不断。However, claims from the descendants of Greek victims continued to be made.

义安理工学院开放,三天精彩活动源源不断!The 3 day Ngee Ann Polytechnic Open House is full of fun filled activities!