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高姿登列出的脊椎,胸椎,腰椎病都有哪些?Gordon listed the high position of the spine, thoracic, lumbar What are?

其中的一种选择是将颈椎植入装置延伸至胸椎上。One option is to extend cervical implants into the upper thoracic vertebrae.

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肿瘤在胸椎者居多,次为腰椎、颈椎和骶椎。原发癌主要在肺、甲状腺和肾脏等。The lesions were mainly in the thoracic, then in the lumbar, cervical and sacrum.

蒙古羊胸椎数的遗传方式具有亲本印记特征。Multi-vertebral characters of Mongolia sheep has a feature of parental imprinting.

对未成年人胸椎椎弓根的解剖学研究暂未报道。Anatomic study of the thoracic pedicle morphology in the immature spine is lacking.

之前尚无尿黑酸尿病人合并胸椎脊髓病的报道。Thoracic myelopathy in a patient with alkaptonuria has not been previously reported.

结论胸腔镜下胸椎前路松解术能达到切开手术时相似的疗效。Conclusion The results of open thoracotomy and thoracoscopic anterior spinal release are similar.

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脊椎核磁共振影像显示一病灶于第六至第八胸椎之硬脊髓膜外背侧。Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine revealed a dorsal epidural mass from the level of T6 to T8.

目的探讨胸椎弓根与毗邻的神经的解剖关系。Objective To investigate the anatomic relations of the thoracic pedicles to the spinal nerve roots.

目的探讨和评价上胸椎椎体结核的外科治疗的方法。Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of surgical management for upper thoracic vertebral tuberculosis.

目的探讨胸腔镜辅助下小切口行胸椎前路手术的可行性。Objective To investigate the feasibility of thoracoscopic minimal access anterior surgery for thoracic spine.

脊柱结核可发生在脊柱的任何节段,但一般侵犯的是胸椎。Spinal tuberculosis can affect any segment of the spinal column, but generally attacks the thoracic vertebrae.

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认为经胸腔进行胸椎结核病灶清除是治疗胸椎结核的一种疗效较好的方法。Thoracotomy for debriding loci in treating tuberculosis of thoracic vertebra has been considered as effective.

因为从颈椎到低位的胸椎位置都有脑脊髓液广泛地积聚,因此怀疑有多处的脑脊髓液渗漏位置。Due to extensive CSF accumulation from cervical to lower thoracic region , multiple sites of CSF leakage were suspected.

慢性症状可能会限制术后功能恢复,尤其是颈椎和胸椎的损害。The chronicity of symptoms may limit functional recovery postoperatively, especially with cervical and thoracic lesions.

在犬中,半椎常见于尾部,造成尾骨呈螺旋形,但也发生于胸椎。Hemivertebrae in dogs are most common in the tail, resulting in a screw shape, but can also occur in the thoracic vertebrae.

方法经对手术证实的6例特发性胸椎管内硬膜外脂肪增多症临床表现、影像学特征进行回顾性分析。Methods 6 cases of idiopathic thoracic spinal epidural lipomatosis proved by operation were analysed retrospectively with MRI.

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目的探讨脊髓型颈椎病合并胸椎管狭窄症的诊断与治疗。Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy accompanied by thoracic spinal canal stenosis.

这项研究将纳入3-10胸椎损伤的高位脊髓损伤病人。The trial will enroll patients with injury to the thoracic region, high in the spinal cord between the third and tenth vertebrae.

结论经胸联合后正中入路能满意暴露肿瘤,安全切除复杂的胸椎哑铃型神经源性肿瘤。Conclusion The combined approach can provide excellent exposure for the dumbbell tumors and most of the tumor can be safely resected.