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为什么我看到的实习或勤工助学经验对你的简历吗?Why don't I see internships or work-study experiences on your resume?

这是勤工助学工作者研究的一个永恒的主题。This is an eternal subject which the hard work to support study worker studies.

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就如何加强高校图书馆勤工助学管理工作进行了探讨。This paper probes into how to manage the part-work and part-study system in universities.

大学生勤工助学工作是资助困难学生的一项重要措施。Work-study supermarket of Liaoning technical university is college work-study economic entities.

期间还在勤工助学部工作并且参加了给贫困孩子送爱心的活动。And also I joined "part-work and part-study system "department and some beneficent activities to help poor children.

大学生勤工助学工作是资助困难学生的一项重要措施。The work of part-work and part-study system in university is an important measure to help students with financial difficulties.

第四部分详细论述了河北省高校贫困生勤工助学体系的构建。The fourth part states the details of the construction of Poor Students' Work-study Program System in Colleges in Hebei Province.

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勤工助学活动的发展,将为高校进行贫困生思想政治教育提供一个新平台。The development of work-study will provide a platform for poor undergraduates ideological and political education in universities.

高校勤工助学活动不仅是解决贫困大学生经济困难的重要途径,而且有助于贫困生心理健康。University's work-study activity is not only an important means to aid straitened students but also helpful to their mental health.

分析了高校图书馆勤工助学工作的特点及其发展趋势,并以中山大学图书馆的实际数字为例,提出了相应的改革措施。The paper analyzed the work-study funds in the process of extraction and the use of the problems that existed in present universities.

随着我国高等教育大众化进程的不断推进,以勤工助学方式完成学业的大学生也越来越多。With higher education popularized nationwide, more and more college students choose to complete their study while taking part-time jobs.

第二部分河北省高校贫困生勤工助学现状的调查与分析。The second part is the investigation and analysis of the status of Poor Students' Work-study Program System in Colleges in Hebei Province.

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勤工助学作为一种教育经济活动,随着社会的进步与教育的发展,其“育人功能”在不断增强。As an education-economic act, Its didactic function is getting more powerful with the progress of society and the development of education.

在我国,勤工助学是在“勤俭办学,勤俭求学”的观念基础上形成和发展的。The appearance and development of work study programme in China is based on the idea of"run a school and attend a school through thrift and hard-work."

文章主要论述了高校图书馆勤工助学对推动就业的作用,并就其管理工作策略进行了分析探讨。Roles of library work-study programs in promoting students employments were discussed, and the program managing strategies were suggested in this paper.

勤工助学是让大学生通过实践锻炼,获取一定的报酬资助学业,参与社会实践的一种措施。The part-study programme is a good measure for students improving one's ability and getting reward by taking past in the social practice in high school.

勤工助学是高校帮困助学的重要措施,在我国高等教育中的地位和作用将日益彰显。The part-work and part-study program, an important means for helping the poor students, plays a more and more important role in the higher education of China.

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我在大学生活动中心和校报告厅勤工助学,负责一些日常管理事务,并负责一些活动的组织安排。I work in the Undergraduates Activity Center and University Lecture Hall, handling some daily affairs in management, and also organizing and arranging relevant activities.

分别从立法、学校勤工助学管理机构、在校大学生各个方面提出了建议,以供参考。From the legislation, the school hard work to support study management structure, put forward the proposal separately in the school university student, supplies the reference.

勤工助学活动不仅是帮助学生完成学业的重要途径,也是培养大学生综合能力的重要方式。The work-study activity is not only an important path for helping the students complete their studies but also an important mode of cultivating students'comprehensive ability.