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女孩,你让我完全损失踪了警语。Girl you caught me completely off guard.

上载成年作品时,记得加上警语。Upload Become Aduit Works, Remember Add Warning Language.

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有一本杂志建议男人应该在额头写上一则特别的警语。A magazine suggested men have a special warning written on their foreheads.

假如每个人都能理解「谨慎即大勇」的警语,那麽许多不幸事故可能避免。If everyone understands that discretion is the better part of valour, many accidents could be avoided.

对尼森2007年的研究结果,FDA还要求文迪雅增加标签警语,但并没有要求其撤市。After Nissen's 2007 study, the FDA added a warning label to Avandia, but decided to leave it on the market.

烟草专卖局负责制定政策和执行管理条例,如有关香烟包装上标注健康警语的规定。The administration is responsible for policy and enforcing regulations, such as those governing warnings on packaging.

这项立法要求,卷烟必须以带有大幅图片健康警语、但没有商标的橄榄绿色包装出售。The legislation requires cigarettes to be sold in olive green packs with large graphic health warnings but without trademarks.

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这些产品要么是从印度走私而来,要么是在尼泊尔暗地里制造出来,没有任何的质量控制或健康警语。These are either smuggled in from India or manufactured clandestinely in Nepal without any quality control or health warnings.

这里有许多警喻、警语和家信的作家,他们写作时都是乘兴之所到,随后写去,并不讲究什么严格的系统。We find writers of parables and epigrams and family letters who make no attempt to coordinate their thoughts into a rigid system.

烟草包装图案健康警语具有成本效益的手段,提高对烟草使用危险的意识。Pictorial health warnings on tobacco packages are a cost-effective means to increase public awareness about the dangers of tobacco use.

那就是为什麽,这这机智警语非常具有启示性,而且具有我所谓「无意识的形成」的影响的特色。That is why the witticism is most revelatory and most characteristic of the effects of what I called "the formations of the unconscious".

图示警语可以规劝吸烟者在家里少吸烟并且避免在靠近儿童的地方吸烟,从而保护非吸烟者的健康。Graphic warnings can persuade smokers to protect the health of non-smokers by smoking less inside the home and avoiding smoking near children.

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英国政府正考虑推行进一步的措施和立法,要求所有的包装必须是白色的朴素包装,上面只有品牌名称和健康警语。The Government is considering going even further and legislating that all packaging must be plain white, with only the brand name and the warnings.

教学楼、教室、和车间布置著名科学家和学者画像,悬挂著名的治学和教育的名言警语,书写催人奋进的标语。School buildings, classrooms and workshops arranged portraits of famous scientists and scholars, fled the famous aphorism, or wrote inspiring slogans.

卫生部发布年度烟草控制报告,开展了提高烟税的宣传运动,并在香烟包装上标注健康警语。The Ministry of Health has published an annual tobacco control report and there have been campaigns to increase tobacco tax and warnings added to packaging.

另有五个国家——吉布提、埃及、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、马来西亚和毛里求斯,在卷烟外包装的健康警语方面符合最佳做法标准。Five more countries –– Djibouti, Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia and Mauritius –– met the best practices for health warnings on cigarette packages.

也就是说,我架构这个公式及其它的公式,成为某种的警语。我必须说,这个警语相当简洁地表达它的意义跟它的承诺。That said, I framed this formula and some others into a sort of reminder, that I must say was rather dense, of what gives it its sense and also its premises.

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“这项公约表明,通过税收、图片健康警语、立法和禁止销售,健康问题确实可以说服其他部门采取行动”。The Convention demonstrates that health can indeed persuade other sectors to take action, through taxes, graphic health warnings, legislation, and marketing bans.

同时,卡布拉尔的部门目前正在完善一个行政命令,要求烟草公司在烟包上印制图片警语。Meanwhile, Cabral's department is currently finalizing an administrative order that would require tobacco companies to print graphic health warnings on cigarette packs.

柯隆利则说,在第二世界销售的香烟和香烟广告,不但没有健康警语,同时比在美国贩卖的同品牌香烟,含更多的焦油和尼古丁。Connolly said cigarettes are sold and advertised in the Third World without health warnings and with higher tar and nicotine content than in the same brands sold in the U.