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士兵在黎明时撤离了营地。The soldiers decamped at dawn.

印尼火山爆发,居民被迫撤离。Volcano forces evacuations in Indonesia.

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百万生齿能否紧要撤离?Millions of mesiodens can matter evacuate?

军队撤离了倒毁的堡垒。The army retreated from the ruined fortress.

江西发生河坝决堤,数千人撤离家园。Thousands relocated after river bank bursts.

他指示我们撤离燃烧着的大楼。He directed us to leave the burning building.

全体船员,立刻撤离到“方舟天使”号。All hands, evacuate to the Ark Angel immediately.

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麦克阿瑟给抗议者们20分钟时间撤离。MacArthur gave the marchers 20 minutes to vacate.

如果美军撤离,阿富汗将会发生什么?What happens to Afghanistan if the U.S. withdraws?

如果人类撤离净空,地球将发荣滋长。If humans were evacuated, the Earth would flourish.

我们全部开始尖叫,并迅速撤离。We all started screaming, and ran out of there fast.

“在这种情况下,”他说,“我们所能做的只有撤离。”“In that case,” he says, “all you can do is evacuate.

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003年的夏天,我们撤离时他们也撤退了。They left when I left. A couple in the summer of 2003.

曼谷市政府提醒居民在24小时内撤离该地区。BMA warned the residents to leave the area in 24 hours.

NSN和爱立信逐步撤离之后,华为的业务得以增长。As NSN and Ericsson pulled back, Huawei's business grew.

居民们撤离了遭到水淹的村庄。The inhabitants were evacuated from the flooded village.

在不知道箱内有什么东西时,撤离现场是正确的。Good move on vacating scene of unknown substance in tank.

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韩金铨带头撤离,魏东篱只好也撤走。Han Jinquan lead to evacuate, BDBD hedge had also removed.

如果有做好准备,民众就会即早撤离。If they were . They should have been evacuated much earlier.

因为他们确实从使用价值中,被撤离。Since they are precisely, as such, withdrawn from use-value.