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人的口型和声音对不上了。People die and voice on the.

棘轮机构式宽口型。Wide- type formula ratchet mechanism.

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仔细听并注意我的口型。Listen carefully and look at my mouth.

只听并看着我的口型。Look at my mouth and after me, please.

不要改变你的口型或者其它什么。Do not change your embouchure or anything.

我作出“妈妈”的口型,耸耸肩。I mouthed "Mom" and shrugged my shoulders.

难开尊口型沉默,就是一个沉默,此时无声胜有声。Is noticeably quiet Oh, how deafening is silence.

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该模具采用潜伏浇口型腔板-推杆二级脱模机构。A two-step demoulding mechanism was also introduced.

不过英语和法语在发音时口型确实不同。But English and French do look different when spoken.

在演唱时,你做出发音的口型就可以了,但不要发声。You may mouth the words, but no sound must be uttered.

在晚会上这个歌手对着口型演唱了一支预先录好的歌。The singer lip-synced a prerecorded song in the evening party.

面颊重新恢复正常口型位置。The cheeks are brought back to their normal embouchure position.

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我们站在前排,仔细地观察讲话者的口型。We stood in the front row and carefully studied the orator's mouth.

贝多芬对此没有耐心,也不去看对方的口型。But they did not have patience for this, nor him to read their lips.

很难用具体的语言形容,但是用这个口型演奏其实是一件很自然的事。It is difficult to say exactly, but it is actually quite natural to play this way.

我记不得鶏肠的结构,对不上外国语口型。I cannot remember intestines' structure, to not on foreign language shape of the mouth.

一旦你渡过了这个难关,你可以决定是继续还是重新用正常口型,它们间的转换会很简单。Once you have gotten over these problems, you can decide to continue or go back, easily possible.

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尽量去想象你压音时的口型,特别是舌头的位置。Try to imagine of the shape of your mouth when bending, particularly the position of your tongue.

改进了多莉斯伯克在真声采访球员时候的口型同步以及面部动画。Improved lip sync and facial animations for a number of the Real Voice interviews with Doris Burke.

借助于该模型,可以在唇区附近的线性肌的联合作用下,合成说话时的各种口型。All kinds of lip shapes are synthesized using the proposed LMM and the adjacent linear muscle model.