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不要再纸上谈兵了,实验它,而且今天就实验。Don't just discuss your theories, test them, and test them today.

纸上谈兵没用。这绝对是一门令人受益的课程。Being an armchair strategist doesn't work. This is a useful lesson.

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超越这些陈词滥调和纸上谈兵须有一个高明的主意露出端倪。Beyond the platitudes and projects lies the germ of a brilliant idea.

如果我们只是纸上谈兵,那就不可能了解到爱之真谛。I doubt we shall not get much nearer to the nature of love by mere talking.

作为广告人,纸上谈兵有用吗?不动,一切永远只是脑里的神经电元!As advertising, paper useful? Fixed, but never all the brain's nerve million!

版画是制作过程艺术品印刷,通常是纸上谈兵。Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper.

纸上谈兵——真正的智慧来自生活的一手经验。Wisdom without Experience – True wisdom is the product of many life experiences.

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另有一部分人提出“光是纸上谈兵等于空谈。" Otherwise one part person put forward "light is navel-gazing is equal to talk.

非常重要的一点就是,如果没有遵循这样一条原则,那么大多数行动计划和目标设定的系统都不过只是纸上谈兵、不切实际。It’s the elemental point that most action plans and goal setting systems overlooked.

其中的一部分将用于现在仍然是纸上谈兵的高科技的升级。Some will go to a massive tech upgrade for an industry that in many ways is still paper-based.

我要指出的是,很多关于网络中立性的争论很大程度上都是“纸上谈兵”。What I was contrasting that with is that a lot of the brouhaha with net neutrality is fairly theoretical.

其余任何时刻对于情绪控制的理解,都是纸上谈兵。The other occasions for you to understand how to control emotion is basically talking about your pipe dreams.

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不过它们非常有意思,它们展现出了来自未来的惊鸿一瞥,尽管有一些只是纸上谈兵。Yet they are interesting because they provide a glimpse of what lies ahead — even if it's still only on paper.

最后人们根据这一历史故事,把死抠书本,没有实际经验,只会夸夸其谈称为“纸上谈兵”。Later people used this idiom to describe those who are good only at theorizing , and lack practical experience.

从实用角度看,这个定义尽管精确,但它和第一种描述一样,都是纸上谈兵、毫不实用。This definition, though accurate, is equally as pedantic and useless as the first, from a practical point of view.

这会让招生官员难以定夺,不知道谁是真正符合资格的,而谁只会纸上谈兵。That can make it difficult for admissions officials to know who is truly qualified and who just looks like it on paper.

当解决问题成为一个枯燥的,纸上谈兵式的过程时,越少运用“五个为什么”,越受到惩罚。When problem solving becomes a tedious , desk-intensive process, it is a punishment that gets used as little as possible.

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公民外交中心的总裁和董事长安·司可迪强调指出,这次高峰会议不只是纸上谈兵。Ann Schodde, president and CEO of the U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy emphasized that the summit was more than just talk.

它限定的140字符也预先排除了用户纸上谈兵的大多数个人博客难以忍受的性质。Its 140-character limit also precludes users from the long-winded navel-gazing that makes most personal blogs insufferable.

我们其实是在纸上谈兵,然而坐而论道不一定毫无意义。Actually, all we are doing now is just talking without taking any action, but this does not mean that it is meaningless at all.