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生石灰与水化合成为消石灰。Quicklime combines with water to form slaked lime.

消石灰进入人的眼睛可能会导致失明。You can go blind if you gets white lime in your eyes.

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本实验以草酸铵为主要原料对工业消石灰进行精制。The refining on industrial slaked lime with ammonium oxalate as a main raw material was made.

添加消石灰,膨润土及无烟煤粉均能提高尘泥渣生球的强度。The green ball strength can be improved by adding slaked lime, bentonite and anthracite fines.

研究掺加水泥和消石灰对沥青胶浆性能的影响。This paper studies the influence of cement and hydrated lime on performance of asphalt mortar.

与纯消石灰的产物层相比,改性石灰的产物层更疏松多孔化。SEM pictures showed that product layers of modified limes are more porous than that of pure lime.

优选的改性剂包括水泥、石灰、消石灰、苏打灰、碳酸盐、硅酸盐和磷酸盐。Preferred modifiers include cement, lime, slaked lime, soda ash, carbonates, silicates and phosphates.

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在总结分析现有过湿粘土路基处理方法的基础上,着重对掺消石灰法进行了研究。On the basis of studies on the existing methods for over wet clay, treatment research on lime treatment method is emphasized.

陶范内应该加入了消石灰,消石灰的作用使粉砂之间粘结了起来。Acting as a binder, lime was added in the making of molds to hold together silt grains that have no plasticity and stickiness.

我们要采购使成水化合物石灰,生石灰,消石灰,氧化钙,碳酸钙,化学品。We want to buy Hydrated Lime, Quicklime , Calcium Hydroxide, Calcium Oxide, Calcium Carbonate, Refractory Products Chemical Supplies.

探讨了水泥、消石灰代替部分或全部矿粉后对沥青混合料性能的影响。The paper studies the effect of part or to tal replacement of mineral powder with cement or hydraulic lime on the performance of asphalt mixture.

总结了评价沥青混合料水稳性的方法,提出使用消石灰可以改善沥青混合料的水稳定性。Summed up the evaluation of asphalt mixture water stability of the method can be improved by the use of hydrated lime asphalt mixture of water stability.

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使用消石灰与炼锗煤渣混合物作为PRB材料,进行原位处理铀水冶尾矿酸性渗滤水的可行性实验研究。The mixtures of power lime and cinder were used as PRB materials to study the feasibility of in-situ remediation of acid seepage water from uranium mill-tailings.