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二是开创了金融汇兑的票号业。Two, founded the financial remittance ticket number industry.

在购买电子机票时,旅客会得到一个电子票号。Buy e-tickets, passengers will get an electronic ticket number.

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“那我也得出国,”妻子说,“行了,你快看看票号吧!”"I should certainly go abroad too, "his wife said. "But look at the number of the ticket! "

这些票号太过神秘,以至于中国领导人都从北京赶来巡视。So great is the mystique around the banks that Chinese leaders have made pilgrimages here from Beijing.

代理人应提交与旅行订位记录相关的真实有效的票号。Travel service provider must report genuine ticket number that is valid for travel for an associated PNR.

由于古城还在,老百姓继续住在古庭院里,有些曾经是繁荣的票号。Within the walls here, families continued living in old courtyards — some within the once thriving banks.

票号的伙计被训练成对账目客观公正、高度负责的员工。The staffs of the banks were trained to be objective and highly responsible to the accounting of the banks.

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美洲套票必须注明国际机票的票号。The SkyTeam America Pass ticket must be cross referenced with the ticket number of the international ticket.

你不仅在平遥任何一个票号都能看到元宝,在中国的很多传统民俗物品中都能看到它们的形象。You see Yuanbao not only at any draft bank in Pingyao, but also in many Chinese traditional folkloric articles.

这里曾是晚清时中国最发达的金融都市,中国第一家票号“日升昌”便诞生于此。Here is Chinese most developed financing city of late Qing Dynasty and Chinese first store "Rishengchang" is born.

为了运送货币,中国北部这个城市里的商人们开办票号,中国历史上最早的银行。To move the money, businessmen here in this city in northern China opened banks, the first in the nation’s history.

中国第一家银行,名叫日升昌,意思是繁荣之上的日出,现在跟其它四个票号一样,是城中心的博物馆。The first bank in China, called Rishengchang, or Sunrise Over Prosperity, is now a museum in the town center, as are four other banks.

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票号曾长期经营官款,有关其资本属性的界定与此密切相关。Piaohao even managed the government funds over a long period of time, so the definition of the capital quality was closely related with it.

纸币防伪技术的应用起源于中国,由山西票号率先发起。The application of technique against counterfeited banknote could be traced to China, and Shanxi draft bank firstly initiated this technique.

进入古城是不需要门票的,若要登上城墙、参观票号等景点,则需购买古城通票。Into the ancient city is not required tickets, to board the walls, visit the ticket number and other attractions, you need to buy the city passes.

山西票号的激励机制是其经营管理制度中极具特色和创造力的管理机制,其有效运行造就了当时令世界惊叹的“汇通天下”。The financial incentive mechanism of Shanxi Draft Bank's operators shows its the characteristics and creative part of the management control system.

关于发票号为8953,金额为673元的货款,非常抱歉由于运费问题,目前我们还在处理之中。About the receipt number is 8953, the amount is 673 Yuan loans, is sorry as a result of the transport expense question, at present we also during processing.

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第三章,尽可能统计出票号业经营官款业务的比例,为重新评价其资本属性作好铺垫。Chapter Three tries to count the rate of the funds from the government in the whole business of Shanxi Banks in order to appraise the nature of its capitals.

金素颜的美容店因医疗事故要赔偿一百两,而金素颜没钱赔偿,她的美容店被金陵票号没收。Jin Suyan beauty shop for medical accident compensation to one hundred and twenty, while the gold makeup money damages, her beauty shop is Jinling ticket confiscated.

另外也可以直接登录相关航空公司网站,输入电子票号、旅客姓名,也能查询到自己的航班预订是否成功。Alternatively, you can log in directly related to the airline website, enter thee-ticket number, passenger name, but also check into their flight booking was successful.