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他们还用猛犸獠牙制成工具器物。They also made tools and objects from the tusks.

圣灯和一切金属器物都是青铜制品。The sanctuary lamp and the metal furniture were bronze.

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丛集信箱伺服器物件与目标电脑的版本不相容。The version of ' is inconsistent with the version of '.

古西伯来人和亚洲的古器物也在这里被发现。Ancient Hebrew and Asian artifacts have also been found.

这时她开始在我肩胛骨处上下移动这个器物。Then she started moving the thing up and down the scapula.

这些史前古器物可以暗示,圣经时代里在这个区域的街道居民的生活情况。The artifacts may hint at the area's street life in biblical times.

这些史前古器物会在战争中受损,而不像金币和装备一样。These artifacts can be the spoils of war, unlike gold and equipment.

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可水洗,勿近尖利器物,以免钩坏蕾丝面料。Can be washed , not near to sharp objects, so as to avoid hook lace fabric.

有些器物的白度甚至超过了邢窑的细白瓷器。Some objects even more than the whiteness of fine white porcelain from Xing.

由于器物铭文非常重要,学术界迅速掀起了研究的热潮。Academia vigorous a research campaign because of the important bronzes" posy ."

然而,这件非凡器物的脆弱和转瞬即逝的特征只是假象。However, the fragility and ephemeral nature of this unusual object is deceptive.

首先分析了婚俗器物的种类及其形态与功能的设计特点。It analyzed the types of wedding implement and its forms and functions at first.

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大多数器物釉体厚重,然而大部分白色釉却比较薄。Most of the body is thickly glazed , but thinly- glazed areas appear almost white.

文章给予日常生活分析、器物和长时段现象以足够的重视。The article valued the daily life analysis, artifact and long-term phenomena enough.

汉代器物赋是汉赋长河中的一个支流,但是由于种种原因而大量散佚。Utensil Fu is a part of Fu of the Han Dynasty, but missed a lot for various reasons.

器身上的小孔可能用来将器物固定在某种物体上,供人膜拜,显示太阳崇拜是古蜀国的宗教文化。It shows that sun worship was part of the religious culture of the ancient Shu State.

通讯社声称,一些史前古器物含有用古亚拉姆语提的碑铭。Some of the artifacts contained inscriptions in the ancient Aramaic language, it said.

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简文内容为遣策,详尽地记载了墓中的随葬器物。Chien-Wen content removal policy, detailed account of the tomb of the funerary objects.

此外,串器物理链路可关闭未使用时,甚至更低的功耗。In addition, the SerDes physical links can be turned off when unused for even lower power.

器物所刻铭文对研究墓主人身份具有重要意义。Implements place is engraved inscriptive principal to studying mastership has the grave port.