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一个给O庆祝生日的有趣展览会啊。A fun fair for O's birthday.

展览会明天开幕。The exhibition will open tomorrow.

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我们参加了春季展览会。We participated in the spring fair.

在商品展览会上什么东西使你最感爱好?。What interested you most at the fair?

在商品展览会上什么东西使你最感兴趣?。What most interested you at the fair?

XpanD的3D眼镜将于下周在德国柏林国际电子消费品展览会正式首次亮相。IFA consumer electronics fair next week.

他提议举办美术展览会。He proposed an exhibition of works of art.

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展览会场有很多有趣的东西。There were lots of amusements at the fair.

合作社在展览会上出售艺术品。The co-op sells the art work at exhibitions.

惓祝贺展览会圆满成功!Best wishes for a very successful exhibition!

你曾经参加过任何的郡或州际展览会吗?Have you ever been to a state or county fair?

在州商品展览会上他的参赛作品获得一等奖。His entry at the state fair won a blue ribbon.

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保时捷工厂是在步行距离展览会场为8公里。The distance to the city centre is about 8 km.

请问阁下是否有兴趣优先登记以下展览会?Do you want to pre-register the Following Fair?

阁下是否有兴趣对以下之展览会办理优先登记?。Do you want to pre-register the following fairs?

这个展览会是集邮者都想去的地方。This exhibition is a mecca for stamp collectors.

更多出现在展览会上的可爱泰迪熊。More lovely teddies by local artists at the fair.

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这种新产品在展览会上获得了金奖。The new product took the first prize in the show.

展览会开幕的日期延迟了。The opening of the exhibition has been postponed.

他们赏光出席我的展览会。They did me the honor of attending my exhibition.