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会发出臭味的垃圾人,“唾弃“名词的源头。Stink of rubbish, "spit" noun source.

因此他轻蔑的唾弃他父亲的投机行为。So he spit in contempt on his father's speculating.

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若然我唾弃了什么,必然是因为此人此物的不真诚。It was all because of insincerity if Lakita gave up.

NXP先生,你将永远是我唾弃的偶像。Mr NXP, you'll remain as an idol for me to spit upon.

一个人背叛自己祖国的人会为世人所唾弃。A person who betrays his own country will be spurned by people.

他还因其观点而遭到唾弃,受到憎恨。He was also--He's also disliked, often hated, because of his views.

不论凡夫俗子或被唾弃者,都能跟从耶稣。No matter the common people or repelled ones who all can follow Jesus.

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无论你所唾弃的宠物会死,否则它会成为一个严重的滋扰。Either your spurned pet will die, or it will become a serious nuisance.

同样被唾弃的还有卢森堡央行行长威斯默施。The spurned included the head of Luxembourg's central bank, Yves Mersch.

而叶凌青又重新见到白丛雪,却遭到了白丛雪的唾弃。While seeing Bai Cong Ye Lingqing snow, under Bai Cong spit on the snow.

处刑画面的血腥恐怖重新激起大众对战争罪行的唾弃。The horror of the footage triggered a wave of public condemnation of war crimes.

欧盟的成立标志着欧洲唾弃了旧时的强权政治。The European Union is a monument to Europe's rejection of the old power politics.

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他就此遭众人唾弃,被许多白人拳迷和大多数在册的体育记者所厌恶。Ali became a pariah, loathed by many white fans and most established sportswriters.

会百无聊奈的思念,又会自嘲的唾弃,已经选择的路凭什么慰求?Neville will miss 100 boring, and will cast off, he has chosen comfort by what way?

燕飞刚问出口,便不由唾弃了自己一下,该死的。The Yan flew to just query exit, then no from cast off as a meantime, oneself curses.

但如果一切可以重来的话,尤兰甘心愿意自己就是遭人唾弃的洪丽。But if everything can be repeated if You Lan is being willingly cast aside his Hongli.

蜗牛趴在自己的房子里唾弃这个世界,因为这世界不关心他们。The latter crept into their houses and spat at the world, for it did not concern them.

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马克思主义让现实世界神圣化,唾弃向上苍寻求安慰的旧有习惯。It sacralized the real world and spurned the old habit of finding consolation in the sky.

耶稣因为与那些被社会唾弃的人在一起而遭致批评。Jesus was criticized viciously for hanging out with the very people that society detested.

降将对自己的行为进行了辩解,但是他们的背叛失节行为受到了人们的批判与唾弃。But their betrayal disloyal behavior is criticized and disdained by people from both sides.