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阿富汗是中国的友好邻邦。Afghanistan is a friendly neighbor of China.

阿富汗是中国的友情邻邦。Afghanistan is a personly neighbor of China.

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阿富汗是中国的友好邻邦。Afghanistan and China are friendly neighbors.

中国和越南是一衣带水的亚洲邻邦。Who will win a war between Vietnam and China?

胡锦涛说,中蒙两国是山水相连的友好邻邦。Hu said China and Mongolia are friendly neighbors.

朴凤柱说,朝中两国是亲密邻邦。Pak said that the two countries are close neighbors.

温家宝说,中吉是友好邻邦。Wen said that both countries are friendly neighbors.

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吴邦国说,中孟是友好邻邦。Wu said China and Bangladesh are friendly neighbors.

程国平表示,塔吉克斯坦是中国的友好邻邦。Cheng said Tajikistan is a friendly neighbor of China.

胡锦涛说,中巴两国是亲密友好的邻邦。Hu said that both countries are close, friendly neighbors.

他们与邻邦缔结了一项协定。They concluded an agreement with their neighbouring country.

中国是乌兹别克斯坦可靠的朋友和友好邻邦。China is a reliable friend and friendly neighbor for Uzbekistan.

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中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦,有着二千多年交往的历史。Over two thousand years China and Japan are neighbouring countries.

恩赫巴亚尔说,中国是蒙古伟大和友好的邻邦。Enkhbayar noted that China is Mongolia's great and friendly neighbor.

温家宝表示,中马自古就是友好邻邦。Wen said China and Malaysia are friendly neighbors since ancient times.

中国和缅甸山水相连,是友好邻邦。China and Myanmar are linked by mountains and rivers and friendly neighbors.

胡锦涛说,中朝两国是山水相连的友好邻邦。Hu said China and DPRK are friendly neighbors bound by mountains and rivers.

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中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦。China and Japan are close neighbors facing each other across a narrow strip of water.

杨洁篪说,中朝是山水相连的友好邻邦。He noted that China and the DPRK are friendly neighbors linked by waters and mountains.

温家宝说,中越是山水相连的友好邻邦。Wen Jiabao said China and Vietnam are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers.